DS will be three weeks old tomorrow and is EBF. I've started noticing what I *think* are signs of acid reflux, but I'm wondering if anyone here who has had a LO with AR can tell me if it sounds about right?
He cries (more like screams) often, mostly after feedings and is inconsolable.I know he is getting enough milk as he turns away from the breast to show that he is full. I make sure to burp him properly and keep him upright so everything can drain down, but still, he will projectile spit up sometimes after feedings. He typically will scream until he has worn himself out despite our many efforts to keep him calm and soothe him. He seems uncomfortable after he eats, he will scrunch up and ball his fists and he just looks miserable.
Does this sound like AR? I'm calling his pedi in a few to see if they can see us.
Re: Acid Reflux? (In LO)
For us, AR consisted of her arching her back violently, screaming when she saw a source of food approaching, refusal to eat, low weight gain/weight loss, eating very small amounts frequently, no sleep because she was either starving or had burning reflux...
BFP #2 4/13/10. Bridget born 12/28/10
BFP #3 Finn born 8/11/15
I've thought it might be gas, but the spit up made me think possibly AR too? Since it is such a great volume and because of how it shoots through his nose. I called the pedi and the nurse said to try gas drops just in case but call back first of next week if it continues. They are having me cut dairy out of my diet to see if that helps it.
I feel so bad for the little guy.
The R&P is saving my life right now. It is the only place he can get a little bit of calm rest from time to time (other than in my arms being walked around upright and patted). I'm thinking they will end up wanting to try the zantac if the dairy elimination doesn't fix this. I'm really hoping something works soon, hate seeing him like this.
The nurse recommended the mylecon (sp?) drops so I'm picking those up today! He hasn't had any weight issues either, in fact his gaining is awesome, I guess despite him spitting up most of his milk he is still getting some at least! He grunts a TON after eating though, pretty much grunting/screaming until he passes out.
Does he cough a lot? Or make gagging noises? Is he congested at all?
Henry also falls on the silent end of reflux. He would actually nurse great to get relief, but pretty much refused to burp, arched his back, flipped out if he was flat (to the point where he didn't even liked to be cradled in our arms), and pretty much screamed 24 hours a day.
He was put on Zantac, the prilosec, and finally (adult sized) Prevacid and he was a changed baby.
Oh and how are his poops? Henry also had a milk allergy that caused his a lot of digestional issues.
OK, gagging is a HUGE sign of reflux, so is coughing especially in a baby that age. Look for congestion -- this means the acid is actually going into their sinuses and inflaming them. It took us 2.5 months to figure out why Henry always sounded like he had a cold, but wasnt sick.
For the green poops, I would seriously consider limiting dairy from your diet. Henry had tons of gas, pulling legs and overall digestional issues from the moment he was born. Dairy wasnt suspect as part of the problem until 6 weeks when he started having bloody poop from the allergy.
Hang in there! Reflux babies are no fun and tend to me a lot more high needs. And definitely call your doctor! There are options out there that can help! If you ever need anything, I'm here for support/help!