Hi! I don't belong here. I've lurked some because quite frankly I think you women are awesome! But I just started watching a 14 month old boy and my son is 22 months. My husband doesn't go in to work untiil the afternoon and we usually take the boys to the playground in the morning so I haven't been, or necessarily HAVE to be, alone. But I'd like to be more comfortable with the idea eventually.
Neither ones are bolters. DS has gotten way better about listening to me on when to come back etc. but there's so much to do at the playground and nothing holds his attention for more than 2 minutes, usually less. He also loves none playground things, like walking in the grass (dude, we have that at home kid!). The other boy actuallly will happily play with something for several minutes but gets opinionated about what and I think would be annoyed if I made him stop everything to follow DS around.
I guess it would be better to work on DS listening to me and staying where I can see him. He isn't an exceptional risk taker but there's a few spots at each playground in town that could be trouble. Obviously that's unrealistic for his age but eventually I'd have to get to that point. I don't know how he's supposed to learn that without practice though and he's always had verrrry selective hearing when it comes to me.
If you have 2 toddlers I'd love to know how you handle the playground!
ETA: I can handle them in our yard just fine, DS comes back when I call him so I know he CAN do it but it's so much more distracting at the playground. Also, we're thinking about getting a tricycle or balance bike for him for his birthday. Anyone have experience with that at the playground with another tot? It just popped in my head that if we brought that he would at least be occupied with that some though I'm sure that's a ways off too, at first I imagine there will be a lot of falling, running people over and trying to take it on the playground equipment.
Re: Playground tips