My significant other and I start our Bradley Methold class in early October and are due with our baby December 27th.
Before we go down the path, I wanted to get any thoughts regarding natural childbirth and the choice of the Bradley Method in helping to prepare a couple.
I also was interested in looking into a Doula as well, however, my boyfriend likes the idea of not having one. I tried to explain a doula is another set up hands and support and will not replace him in anyway. Any advice there as well would be helpful.
Many thanks!
Re: Bradley Method Advice
Hi Sunny,
The Bradley books/idea are great, but from the experience that I had with 2 natural births, I would say to not rely/set your heart on that as a method by itself. Again, this is just the experience that I had and I'm sure others may use it for the entire labor, but this is from my experiences. The Bradley method was of great use to me up to about 8-9 cm with both babies. AFter that I found it IMPOSSIBLE to relax my body with contractions. At that point I had to move my arms or legs during contractions and focus on my breathing- my heavy,heavy breathing. My husband wouldrub my back or arm or hand or whatever and help me stay focused and calm. Pushing was hard work, but actually felt better then the last few cm's. My first birth was induced with pitocin (my water broke with no contractions). My daughter was 7lb 8oz. My second labor came on naturally and my MW broke my water at 10 cm so I could push out my son, 9lb 9oz. Pitocin makes labor a great deal more intense, and I think when your water is broke it also contributes to intensity (makes sense b/c when your uterus contracts it's shape is distorted around the baby).
As for a doula... With my first I had my Mom, terrible idea. My second we had a doula, it was fine, but we didn't need her. With my 3rd this January my hubby and I are going it alone. That said, I did feel more comfortable going in knowing there would be someone extra to support me, even though in both cases I ended up not needing that person.
Whatever you decide, best of luck to you. Make sure you and your boyfriend are on the same page and you're comfortable with your decision.
Sorry for the lengthy response,
We did Bradley Method for our last baby and it was very helpful. It really was a great reminder and overview of what to do and provided my DH with ideas for what his role was. It also gave me a lot of self confidence that I could do it and was a weekly reminder that birth is natural. I knew those things before the class but constantly hearing it repeated and affirmed from others helped me internalize it.
If you want a doula, get a doula. Your BF isn't the one giving birth and if you have even the slightest inkling that it would help you to have a doula present, hire one. Maybe talk to your BF and tell him that you'll wait until you're in labor and if you don't need her then you won't call her to come over.
I honestly didn't think I'd end up calling her and was in labor around 10 hours before I needed her to be there. At that point it became apparent that I needed somebody with a bigger bag of tricks than my DH. I needed him to take a mental/emotional break but for me to still be supported.