June 2011 Moms

Outside time?

How often do you do outside time? It's so hot here that we rarely, if ever, go outside. Not to mention those darn mosquitoes that are the size of hawks. Now that it is getting cooler I want to start taking Avery outside some.

What do you and LO do when outside?

~ Cassie ~

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Re: Outside time?

  • We are the opposite! I am so worried what I will do when the weather gets terrible and I can't take him outside multiple times per day.

    He likes to kick and throw balls. We start he and the ball at the top of of the driveway and I stand at the bottom and catch and return.

    We have a water table and a sprinkler he loves!

    He "helps" me do chores: water the plants, pull weeds, etc.

    We play with sidewalk chalk and paint (mix equal quantities water and cornstarch and add food coloring).

    We collect rocks and pinecones in a bucket and dump them out and do it all over again.

    We go for walks with the dog where he actually walks.

    We put things in and out of the mailbox.

    We go to nearby parks.

    We "mow" the grass with toy lawn mower.

    I am very excited for you! Tell me what to do indoors, please!

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  • We do a few different things. Sometime we go to the park she loves the swings and slide but we really do that on weekends when dh is around because chasing dd at 36 weeks pregnant is not easy. Other things she loves balls. We go out in our yard and she loves to carry around this big beach ball she has and try to bounce and chase it she has a cozy coupe and another car like that I can push so we walk on the sidewalk while I push her in the car we go for walks where she just holds my hand on the sidewalk. She is pretty steady on her feet now but gets easily distracted and sometimes trips. I hold her hand tight and try to keep her focused on walking. We are just starting to loose leaves on the trees so she loves to pick them up and play with them too.
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  • imageJoyfullnoise:

    We are the opposite! I am so worried what I will do when the weather gets terrible and I can't take him outside multiple times per day.

    He likes to kick and throw balls. We start he and the ball at the top of of the driveway and I stand at the bottom and catch and return.

    We have a water table and a sprinkler he loves!

    He "helps" me do chores: water the plants, pull weeds, etc.

    We play with sidewalk chalk and paint (mix equal quantities water and cornstarch and add food coloring).

    We collect rocks and pinecones in a bucket and dump them out and do it all over again.

    We go for walks with the dog where he actually walks.

    We put things in and out of the mailbox.

    We go to nearby parks.

    We "mow" the grass with toy lawn mower.

    I am very excited for you! Tell me what to do indoors, please!

    We don't really have structured play. But one of Avery's favorite things is to put stuff in and out of her drawer in the entertainment center.

    She like to play on her ride toys or play with her sister. This is her big thing lately, she loves when big sissy plays with her in her room.


    ~ Cassie ~

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  • LO has been SO happy this week because it's been so nice that we've been playing outside every day! I think at daycare they take them outside at least once/day in the shade, usually early in the morning when it's too hot.

    Poor baby has been standing at the door saying "bye bye, bye bye!" for a month, begging, and I never take her out bc it was just too hang hot for us.

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  • This summer, if we went outside, it was to the pool or splash pad. So.Flippin.Hot.

    Now that it's nice, we go to the park a lot. He loves it. We'll also take him for rides in his cozy truck.

    At home, we don't do structured outdoor play. We just let him run around and play with balls, sticks, chase the dog, whatever.

    DC takes them to the playground every day in the morning.

    Lilypie - (JzKZ) Lilypie - (DgGJ)

  • At DC, DD spends two hours outside...one in the AM and one in the PM. I love it! Its completely shaded and there are lots of toys to play with. During the summer when I was home with her, we didn't make it outside every day (either because it was too hot or I just didn't feel like it) so I'm glad that she goes outside with DC.


  • I sah, so I like to take her out to mix things up. We don't do a lot of "activities" but she enjoys sweeping the patio, chasing the dog, walking around/exploring, kicking balls, etc. A lot of times, she just wanders and looks around. She LOVES the independence and change of scenery. We also have a small slide that she is learning how to play on and a swing set. It's not a large swing set with a slide or anything, just a base with two swings on it. We figured that would be all she would need for this summer/fall and plan on buying a larger one in the future. We got it from BRU for 70 bucks. Oh, we also play bubbles.

    I would love to get her a little motorized car and some more outdoor toys, but I'm not sure what she'd really like. We are having a Dec baby (and where I live doesn't get too hot), so we will be home a lot and I'd love to let her explore outside more. Hmm....

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  • We have to go outside in the evenings, just before the sun goes down because of the heat here. Sometimes I take her outside during the day, but it's usually just to the splash area at the local zoo. I've taken her to the beach by myself while DH is at work. It's not easy by myself because of the clean up that's required before I can get her back into the car, but she loves walking around in the sand while looking for sea shells and watching the birds.

    Anyway, what we do most often is either jog or bike in the evenings and then we stop at a nearby playground on our way home. We let her run around there for a little while before heading back home for the night. We currently rent an apartment, so we don't have a yard to let her out to play in. That would make things a lot easier. 

    BabyFruit Ticker

    DH: 34/Me: 35
    Married: Feb 2008
    DD: June 2011
    TTC# 2: April 2014
    BFP!! 8/29/16 --> EDD: 5/11/17....it's a GIRL!!! :)
  • We go outside every day, no matter how hot/cold unless there is an advisory for extreme heat or cold. I aim at two times, one for a walk/park and one to play in the yard.  When it's on the hotter side we just go out before 10am and after 3pm to avoid the worst.

     As for mosquitos, we find the off fan works really well.

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  • The kids are outside at daycare every day, unless the weather is terrible.  If we have time in the evenings, I will take them out now that it's cooled off (there was no way I was going out when it was still 90+ degrees at 6pm, blah!)  We do bubbles, kick balls, we have a swingset, so he loves that....sand table, push trucks around the patio.  We have a TON of acorns falling right now, so the boys have been loving carrying around their own buckets and collecting acorns.  I love it, too, because it gets them out of the yard...score!!  :) 
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    Jake - 1.15.08
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