Evelyn is great about self feeding and she can use a pre-loaded spoon or fork but I think it is time to start practicing actually using a spoon and fork to pick up the food. (Is everyone else already doing this? No idea when we should have started)
Anyway, can you recommend a bowl LO to use to dip her spoon into for yogurt, soup, etc?
Re: Bowls for LO to self feed from?
Is Evelyn a bowl thrower? Of everything we've tried, my souffle ramekins, like this actually work best. They are heavier than plastic, so they don't push around her tray when she sticks her spoon in, and they are small enough that it doesn't get spread all over the bottom of the bowl in a thin layer.
But they are breakable with a little force. We've had them drop a few times onto our wood floors without breaking, but I know they would if she threw it hard.
Well, she's never had a bowl to throw. She doesn't throw her food though, she just occasionally drops it if she doesn't want it, and if I'm paying attention I can get her to hand it to me instead.
Anyway, we have some ramekins like that, I might try them!
We have used some suction bowls (Munchkin). He could rip the bowl off his tray pretty easily if he tried, but mostly he is too fascinated with the spoon to worry about throwing the bowl. I mostly wanted to get the suction cup ones to give the bowls a little stability for when he's trying to scoop up a bite.
I still only offer the bowl/spoon occasionally. He's so messy and inefficient right now that I usually prefer to just give him finger foods or spoon feed him myself, but I need to suck it up and give him some practice so he'll get better!!
BFP#1: 01/10, M/C 6w
BFP#2: 06/10, M/C 5w
BFP#3: 09/10, DS born June 1, 2011
BFP#4: 07/12, M/C 5w3d
BFP#5: 12/12, EDD 08/18/13
My Blog: Decorate This
and you aren't behind! I've been letting Lexi do it for a little while, she's just now getting better at the motor skill part of actually getting some on the spoon and in her mouth (and really only with thicker stuff like greek yogurt.)
I still help her load her fork most of the time, but I give her a little one or a plastic one to practice with at most meals.
haha! Lexi just got into wiping her hands in her hair. Really annoying if we do yogurt for breakfast, bath, then cottage cheese for lunch...another bath!
AH! YES! And he always seems to smell a little like sour something? Today he went down for a nap smeared with guacamole because he was too tired and cranky to fight him!
Oh yes, Evie feels she needs a lot of yogurt, avocado, and sour cream "hair treatments."
Dd is also into using her hair as a paper towel lol. If she is tired while she is eating its awfull. She spreads food all over her face and even her eyebrows get food in them.
I'm just starting to let her practice with a spoon. I've found oatmeal to be the best practice food so far because it actually stays on the spoon pretty well. But I hold her bowl for her.
yes, this is what we do but mostly with a spoon only. we just tried scrambled eggs on a fork over the weekend and it wasn't too bad. we started by giving her a spoon to hold on her own and then she joined in with trying to get the yogurt or cereal. but she MUST have a pony tail or at least a bow in her hair to ease the messy "hair treatments"