Natural Birth

Need your thoughts on new doula vs. no doula.

We have had some major unexpected expenses come up with regard to our medical insurance.  DH just switched jobs so now not only do we have to pay the rest of our out of pocket we now get to pay $1200 a month for crappy coverage.  So our plans for a doula had to pretty much go out the window. I have been very upset about this as I really want a natural birth and just feel like we would realy benefit from the extra support on baby's birthday.  I have just found out about someone who is trying to get certified and needs the experience.  Wouldn't this be better than nothing?  Share your thoughts with me please!  Thanks Big Smile 

After 6 long years of TTC and a traumatic birth... I finally got to hold my baby in my arms!

'Delight yourself in the LORD and he will give you the desires of your heart.'Psalm 37:4

2006 start TTC

2007 Start w/ RE (Endo and MFI previous marriage)/ 2008 Vericocele surgery/3 clomid cycles
2009 Lap removed stage III endo/ 2 failed IUI/ Divorce

2011 Remarried
October 2011 Dx: Endo & DOR/ November 2011- clomid & TI cycle
January 2012 IVF~  Flare protocol 10 ER/ 9 mature fertilized with ICSI/ ET- 2 Grade A Blasts/ 4 frozen= BFN
Febuary 2012- -Endo Biopsy/  MTHFR diagnosis
March 8- FET 2 grade A blasts= BFP!!!!

November 2012-  Charles was born by emergency C-Section

Dealing with:
Stage III Endo/ DOR/ MTHFR two mutations C677T & A1298C

Currently TTC #2  FET planned January 2014

Re: Need your thoughts on new doula vs. no doula.

  • I'd happily work with a doula in training.

    I ended up with my back-up doula for my actual birth, so I'd only met her once. And she was awesome. I didn't need an emotional connection, I needed concrete suggestions and a calm presence. She provided that. I'll definitely want a doula for my next birth, but I haven't decided who that will be.

  • imagetokenhoser:
    I'd happily work with a doula in training.I ended up with my backup doula for my actual birth, so I'd only met her once. And she was awesome. I didn't need an emotional connection, I needed concrete suggestions and a calm presence. She provided that. I'll definitely want a doula for my next birth, but I haven't decided who that will be.

    ITA. We also ended up with a back up doula and she was fantastic. Like PP said, it's about concrete suggestions she was able to suggest some imagery that really got me through transition contractions, having an extra set of hands she rubbed my back while I leaned on DH, and honestly hearing encouragement from someone who isn't obligated by marriage to give it.
    Plus, since it's free, you could always ask her to leave and you'd still be getting your money's worth. winky face I can't make on my phone
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  • Our doula was in training when we used her. I was actually her first birth! Even though she wasn't certified she knew her stuff. She was a Bradley instructor and had 3 kids of her own, with varying birth experiences. She was awesome and we are using her again this time!
    Ivy: July 2010  |  Stella: Dec 2012  |  BFP#3: MMC at 11Wk's, July 2017 | Wyatt: April 2019 | BFP#5: Twin Girls due Sept 2020

  • I say go for it! A doula in training isn't necessarily still training, but rather, getting the hours in for certification. They've already done all the training necessary! :) I think this would be a great experience for you AND for her! 

    This is my first baby, and I haven't had a doula, but a very close friend of mine is one and can't talk enough about how great having one is. ;)  

    EDD#1 12/5/12 Born 11/21/12 My LB is better than your LB.BrittanyDoesDerby 4 LYFE!

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    EDD#2 2.20.16 I love you already! <3

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  • I used a doula-in-training with #2 and she was wonderful.  She had already been through all of the classes and just needed to get her births in, so her knowledge was very valuable. 

    I have unofficially doula-ed for friends before and they have found it helpful.  Do you have any friends or family that have had natural births whose support would be helpful?  That might be another solution for you.

  • It can't hurt to meet with her--and as pp said, even if it doesn't work out at during the birth, you can always ask her to leave.  A lot of people have suggested working with a doula-in-training, and I've never heard any horror stories about doing so.  Everyone starts somewhere!
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  • If I wanted a doula I would happily use one "in training" :)
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  • My doula is trying to get certified as well. For me it depends what you want your doula to do during your labor and if you and your husband are comfortable with her. My doula had all 5 of her kids at home with a midwife and took the Hypnobabies class with us which is all I needed in terms of experience/knowledge.
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