DS#1 will be 1 in a few days and I'm 16 weeks pregnant with #2. I was never this sore with my first, even right up through 40 weeks but I can hardly make it through the grocery without being in pain. My hips/back/lower stomach hurt so badly. Is this normal the 2nd time around? I was thinking maybe it had something to do with being pregnant again so soon but I don't really know. My OB said it was normal and the aches and pains from stretching will be worse with subsequent pregnancies but I was curious what your experiences have been. TIA!
Re: Aches and pains worse with 2nd pregnancy?
It was the opposite for me, with DS1 I noticed everything and with DS2 I didn't hardly at all. Maybe I was too busy chasing DS1 around to notice - other than my lower back hurt more from packing DS1. haha
For me the 2nd pregnancy was easier. Goodluck!
Yes. Worse with the second and subsuquent pregnancies. Mine are all really close together so I asked my doctor about this at my last visit. He said it wasn't so much that the pain is from them being so close together, but that the muscles and everything in my body are stretched and not as tight/strong as they were with my first therefore causing more pain and discomfort.
If you are having a lot of pain in your lower back and lower abdomen, I would suggest getting a pregnancy support belt. My doctor suggested it and I got one. It just came today, but after only a few hours of wearing it, I can feel a difference. I found mine on amazon and they are not terribly expensive.
Last week was when my doctor told me "officially" to consider myself home bound. Starting at 24 weeks (approx) they were getting concerned and asked me to reduce activities. (I was working out 3x week at that point). Around this time I also was referred to a physical therapist in addition to the weekly prenatal massages (thankfully my insurance pays for this!).
One of my friends who delivered a healthy, beautiful baby in July (2nd pregnancy) had joked that her "va jay jay" was going to break during her 3rd trimester. I had thought she was exaggerating but now understand that the pressure and pain is unlike anything I felt with my first pregnancy.
My best advice is to hang in there and just count down the days until your baby arrives!
This pregnancy has totally kicked my butt. My morning sickness was worse and lasted forever, my back is killing me, I can't for the life of me get this baby to move out of my rib cage, and I'm terribly uncomfortable. Can you tell that I'm ready to have this baby like yesterday
My MW said the same thing that each pregnancy will bring on more aches and pains. It's certainly been true for me.