I apologize if this is a silly question, LO isn't here yet so I haven't figured out all of the logistics of CD.
With my infant bummis prefolds I received flannel liners and biodegradable liners, my question is do I need to put a liner in at every diaper change? If yes, should I use one on all the different types of diapers?
Re: Liners
Not a silly question at all. The short answer is that no, you don't need to use them at every diaper change.
Save the biodegradable liners for when your LO starts solids and the poo is in the gross not-water-soluble-but-not-ploppable stage. It will make cleanup of those diapers so much easier. Those liners aren't really necessary before then since EBF/EFF poo is water soluble.
As far as the other liners, is it possible they are fleece instead of flannel? If they are indeed flannel, those I'm guessing would be used if you need to use a traditional non-cloth-friendly diaper rash cream. If they are fleece, those can be used for the same reason, but also to provide a stay dry layer if your LO is sensitive to the wetness of the prefold. They do not increase absorbency. You may find that you love them or (as in my case) never use them
Save the biodegradable ones for when LO starts solids, they are great for helping catch the poop.
The fleece ones will be nice after solids too, they are much easier to spray than the whole diaper IMO. If you ever need to use a non-safe CD diaper cream they are great for creating a barrier so the cream doesn't ruin the diaper. Just be sure to wash the liner separately.
BFP #2: 8.31.16 Dx w/ GD @ 28w DD Born @ 36w: 4.21.17