April 2012 Moms

Another question about solids

Now that we've found a food LO likes (sweet potatoes), I was wondering when solids make up a real part of their diet? Does it begin to displace formula/BM, or is it now just in addition? Right now it seems like he's just experimenting with eating - who knows how much is actually going down.
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Re: Another question about solids

  • BM or formula should be their main nutrition until 1 year I think.
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  • Thanks! That's what I figured. H is having a hard time wrapping his head around the fact that the food doesn't replace a bottle, just adds to it.
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  • Until 1 year.  We started dropping nursing sessions when DS was 11 months, but we didn't drop meal-time sessions until after he was 1.
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  • I like the Gerber online meal planner. It gives you an idea of how much to feed them, IMO, it's a little much, but it gives you an idea.
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  • DD thoroughly consumes the oatmeal I give her and her consumption of BM has not gone down. It cranked up for about a week and a half when she was having a growth spurt, but she's back to 12oz at daycare and feeding almost nonstop once we get home until bedtime. The she STTN.

    Sometimes she doesn't feel like oatmeal though and I'll just give her the boob. It doesn't really change how much she takes. It's weird.

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