
I am I just a b!tch or do you get PO'd at family gatherings?

So I recognize that I have entered the not sleeping stage of pregnancy and am less than rational but I find family gatherings irritating since we had LO.

Today was my husbands families annual BBQ.  Only it rained  (I am talking torrential downpour) all day today.  The BBQ involved 25 family members squashed into a very small house.  We had to cut my son's nap short to make it there and then I spent the next 5 hours trying to keep him entertained when there was barely even enough free floor space for him to sit on the floor.  He did pretty well for the first 1-2 hours but then dinner time hit.  My MIL (who I actually get along with well) arrived and proceed to interrupt quite play time (playdough and colouring) to tickle him and toss him around  and wind him up and then took off to visit with the adults. My son spent the next bit calling for Gramma who proceed to laugh and ignore him.   When dinner hit there was no where for any of us to sit, so my DH announced he'd do dinner and then proceed to stand and  try and hold DS and a plate while he ate.  DS wanted nothing to do with this and began a long string of tantrums, while the relatives made helpful comment to me like "Someone needs a nap.  What's wrong with him?  You'll have your hands full with him when the next LO arrives.  and Wow he's got a temper!"   I am sure it would have all been much better if I could have had a glass or a bottle of wine.  But I thought I'd settle for coming on here and have a whine.

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Re: I am I just a b!tch or do you get PO'd at family gatherings?

  • In that situation, I would not have stuck around for dinner. And I would have found the entire thing annoying, especially people commenting but not offering to help any.

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  • YES. But my family is BSC and I am kind of a biitch.
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  • imagepearblossom:
    YES. But my family is BSC and I am kind of a biitch.

    LOL same here.

    but, seriously, I would have been d-o-n-e before dinner...what a stressful situation! I hate when people just look and say stuff that is NOT helpful...ugh.

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  • imageKitiara5512:
    In that situation, I would not have stuck around for dinner. And I would have found the entire thing annoying, especially people commenting but not offering to help any.
    This. I would have made b?tchy comments right back, but I'm kind of a b?tch like that.


  • i would have went after nap, and probably still left early too. my kid needs his naps or he is a mess, plus he is a totally active kid and has ants in his pants so a small crowded area wouldn't work for him.
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  • imageSpooko:
    Yeah, that definitely sounds stressful. I would have left early. 

    This.  If we don't want a limited stay (3hrs max) we don't cut naps can't burn a candle at both ends as they say.   If family wants us there at a set time that isn't condusive for a young child, they shouldn't be surprised or offended if we leave early.

    2 years, 2 surgeries, 2 clomid fails, 2 IUIs, 1 loss, IVF #1 - 10/25/10 = BFP!, DS is now 3.5yrs!
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    I can't wait for the "im getting a divorce" post in 5 years or so because your husbands were fed up with your disgusting chair asses from playing on the knot all day and getting fired 4-5 times for not doing any work. you guys are all winners!! ~ Laur929

  • imageL&R70707:

    Yeah, that definitely sounds stressful. I would have left early. 

    This.  If we don't want a limited stay (3hrs max) we don't cut naps can't burn a candle at both ends as they say.   If family wants us there at a set time that isn't condusive for a young child, they shouldn't be surprised or offended if we leave early.

    I agree with all of this.

    Our sweet girl is 3!

    Lilypie - (R7Ux)

  • imageKitiara5512:
    In that situation, I would not have stuck around for dinner. And I would have found the entire thing annoying, especially people commenting but not offering to help any.
    This for me too.  I think I would have left after an hour or so. Sounds like an awful day.  Also, who is the a hole that didn't get out of a chair so your H could sit down to feed your kid?
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  • I hate it when people make general, less than nice observations about DD's personality at big gatherings.  Have they ever HAD babies?  Did theirs behave exactly the same way in a crowd as they did at home?
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  • Glad to know it is not just me who gets "those comments", I  guess I should have let DS nap and arrived when we arrived, but I was still gun shy from the last family gathering.  I sent DH ahead  that time and brought over DS when he woke up from his nap and there was some major side eye giving from my husbands grandma because I was late.
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