Cloth Diapering

Does everyone wash on hot?

I have been using prefolds exclusively up until this point.  Now I have some AIOs and pockets in the mix.  I was reading that PUL and TPU should not be washed on hot.  Our hot water is extremely hot so now I'm wondering if I should wash my diapers on warm or at least do the AIOs and pockets on warm. Any thoughts?  I'd rather wash them altogether because I don't really have enough to warrant two loads.

Re: Does everyone wash on hot?

  • I try to always wash pul on warm. Usually I wash prefolds and inserts separately on hot, then throw covers and pocket shells in with baby clothes on warm.  Since they don't absorb pee they get cleaner faster. If I only have a few inserts/prefolds to wash I sometimes throw the covers in with everything on warm. 

    I think warm works just as well mostly.  My water is really hot so I try not to wash pul on hot very often.

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  • In your case I'd do warm too.

    I do everything hot but my hottest water is a bit less than 120 so not all that hot.

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  • My hot is not super hot -- I put my prefolds and pocket dipes all together on cold rinse, hot wash, cold rinse.  I hand the PUL pocket diapers to dry if its not raining (or dry on low).  I dry all the inserts and prefolds on medium.  The hot helps to kill the bacteria which helps get the stank out.  If you ever need to strip your dipes you'll want hot hot hot water. 
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  • I've always washed on hot.  I certainly don't think the fabric parts of the diapers (meaning inserts, etc.) are going to get clean enough without it - yes if we're talking about plain PUL covers or even pocket shells it might be a little different, but I also can't imagine having to wash everything separately!  I'm pretty sure our hot water tank is set at 120-degrees (it's not really recommended that you have it set higher than this, especially with kids in the house).  Cottonbabies (we use bumgenius pockets as well as Flip covers and stay-dry inserts) recommends washing in 100-degree water per their warranty.  I personally haven't had any problems washing on hot for 2 1/2 years. :shrug:
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