We got tickets to a football game this fall for my alma mater at a school that is about 1 1/2 hrs away...I was really excited about it, I thought MH was excited about it and I bought the tix & booked a sitter (who is a woman in her mid-late 20s that we like a lot). Then MH suddenly says he is uncomfortable being that far away all day (basically it would be like from 10-4/5, give or take a little). They are 3, they are not some major safety risk, I am feeling like he is being a little extreme...he is already like well let's see how we feel closer to the date & maybe you can find a friend to go with you if I am uncomfortable. ???? He is the one who actually was really excited when I proposed the idea of getting tickets for this game... I don't get it & feel like they're old enough that this should not be such a big deal. She can play w/ them at our house or at the park that is like 4 houses down in the morning (as long as it isn't freezing or something), she can feed them lunch, try to get them to nap or even just watch a movie around nap time, and then we'd be home not that long after that...
Just curious about others.
Re: would u leave two 3 yr olds with sitter if you were over an hour away?
But seriously, give her the number of a couple of friends close by and go enjoy yourself! 3 year olds are easy they'll have a blast. I think they need a break from us too, every now and again. Enjoy your game!
I was a 'nanny' or I guess a frequent-glorified-babysitter (~25 - 30 hrs/wk) in college to 3 yr old twin girls and their 1 yr old little brother...
When I first started, I was with them at least 4 - 8 hours at a time but the mom left me a print out with anything and everything I would ever even think about needing. She also prepped all their food the way they (or maybe she
) liked it for snacks and lunch. Once I had been watching them for about 2 weeks, she stopped.
I even watched the kids over New Years when they drove 4 hours away to go to a large hotel party out of the state with friends, she gave me her keys to her Sequoia and I took them to IHOP the next morning (the twins were 4 yrs old then).
Based on my experience even though my twins aren't here yet, I would go without a worry. If your husband still has some hesitation, maybe let him 'prep' for the sitter so he feels like she can give her full attention to the children without worrying about food, or anything else he is worried that might distract or overwhelm her.
If you trust your sitter, definitely go. It's in the middle of the day, which is the easiest time for my kids to be watched by other people. You'll be home before dinner and bedtime (I think can be the toughest time slot for a sitter).
Sounds like it would be a fun day for everyone!