My DH and I have been considering using my grandfather's name as a first or middle name for our baby due in January (sex is a surprise so it depends on that). My cousin just gave birth to a little boy and used the name as a middle name. Drat!
My question is, do you think the name is off the table now? It's not a cousin I see/talk to very often but I don't want to tick her off by using the name. Should I let her know we're considering using the name too or just surprise everyone if we decide to use it? This has thrown me for a loop!
Re: Family names that have been used?
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In this case I think this would be fine. If our LO is a boy we will be giving him the MN John which is the same MN as my nephew. It is also the MN of my brother, my father, my father's father, and it is the FN of my mother's father.
If it's a family name, I wouldn't be offended by it at all if I were your cousin. Plus you want the name to be continued in your own family line.
BFP 11/09 - DD 7/10 - BFP 8/11 - M/C 9/11 - BFP 6/12 - DD - 2/13
I would not consider it off the table; I'm sure your grandfather would have loved that you both honored him like that!
I am in a similar situation. When I was a child, my cousin who was like a best friend to me, passed away very suddenly. Her step-sister had a baby girl 3 years ago and used her sister's (my cousin's) name as the middle name. I am now having a girl and will be using it as a middle name as well. We both loved her dearly and want to honor her memory.
DD (5 years old) from IUI in 2012
TTC 3rd and final!: IUI #1 in progress!
Breastfeeding and pregnant!
Our boy name for this baby was the same name that a good friend used as a mn for her son. It was no big deal.