I don't have experience with using it for cloth diapers yet, but as previous posters mentioned I have heard that this is the magic stuff to use. BUT we have used this for years!!! It removes stains like none other and odors and everything. This stuff freaking rocks. Smells so good too. I actually use a bit of it in my shampoo solution when I shampoo the carpets and it works wonders. You can get a huge thing on amazon for 29$ and trust me a little goes a long long way. Also, go to soap.com and if you order there you get like 20% off plus shipping is really reasonable if not free.
Yup! Bac out is an enzyme cleaner that (IMO) helps poopy diapers get cleaner and stink less while they wait to be washed. We didn't start using it until DS was on solids and we started scraping/plopping poos. We buy it at our grocery store and mix it 50/50 with water. After the poopy diaper is poop free (or mostly), I give it a good spray with the solution and drop it in the pail. That's just what we do, though.
Yep, this! And we've had no problems with staining or dirty diapers getting clean.
Also, I discovered it's awesome for getting pee smell out of fleece PJs. DS was having leak troubles a while back and I just could not get the smell out of his fleece PJs specifically, I did a short soak and wash with a little bac-out and everything was good as new! I also spray it on food stains that he gets on his clothes. I really like it!
Re: Bac Out Question. . .
BFP #2: 8.31.16 Dx w/ GD @ 28w DD Born @ 36w: 4.21.17
Yep, this! And we've had no problems with staining or dirty diapers getting clean.
Also, I discovered it's awesome for getting pee smell out of fleece PJs. DS was having leak troubles a while back and I just could not get the smell out of his fleece PJs specifically, I did a short soak and wash with a little bac-out and everything was good as new! I also spray it on food stains that he gets on his clothes. I really like it!
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