Hi all. I just wrote an intro last week, and I've been absent since. Things have been crazy around here, and I am just now making my way back to TB.
I am 36+ weeks today, and I feel like I should really be panicking right about now. Well, okay, I am. DH and I decided that he could/should undergo a bit of a home improvement project in our house last weekend. Well, with 4 days off, it is still very much not done. Drywall not finished, flooring needs to be laid, etc in about half of the basement. The other half, which was our playroom, is filled with displaced furniture and boxes. Because this has been taking all of his time, and I have been watching DD and working, there is nothing done for the new baby. This has been complicated by me staying at my parents house because of fumes, noise, etc.
No hospital bag, no bassinet and car seat unpacked, no swing, no new bottles ... They are sharing a room, but I have not prepared it. No crib set up, no clothes shifted to make room for the newborn. This is bad, right? No imminent signs of labor, thank god, and DD1 was overdue.
I have a registry started, and I have been waiting to use my 10% completion certificate in case someone actually buys us something from there (unlikely.) Would you just go ahead and stock up? This is something I could do with DD1 in tow, even if I couldn't organize it yet. Wdyt?
Re: Should I panic now? Very behind at 36+ weeks ...
Try not to worry. Babies really truly don't need much. They need you, your boobs, a carseat, and a safe place to sleep (which can be a laundry basket, a pack 'n play, etc).
If it makes you feel better, my son didn't have anything when he was born. He was born in November of 2010 and we were moving in February of 2011. So we set up a crib in our master bedroom and kept enough clothes to get by in a plastic container underneath. A huge cry from the frilly "perfect" nursery that we painstakingly put together for DD.
But we didn't need anything. He was perfectly happy and cared for. A lot of our nesting instinct is to make ourselves feel prepared... not because babies really need all of the crab that we are told they do.
Get the carseat installed, pack your bag, and get a sleeping area set up. If your basement isn't perfect and the nursery isn't set up you will survive. Shoot, even if you don't have a carseat installed or your bag packed (I didn't with #1, my water broke out of the blue at 35w before we had done any of that) you will be totally fine.
Married 6/28/03
Kate ~ 7/3/09 *** Connor ~ 11/11/10
4 miscarriages: 2007, 2009, 2013, 2014
No more TTC for us. We are done, and at peace, as a family of 4.
"Suffering has been stronger than all other teaching, and has taught me to understand what your heart used to be. I have been bent and broken, but – I hope – into a better shape.” — Charles Dickens
Thank you. I am going to try like crazy to get things put together, but like I said, DH is working on things, and I am taking care of DD alone when I'm not working. We'll see how it turns out. It makes me feel better to hear that other people have been similarly unprepared, and survived!
If I have someone to watch DD, I can pack my bag, but it is a little difficult with out laundry room and clothes storage in upheaval!
Oh yeah I didn't pack my bag until 37 or 38 weeks, the second time around you know what you do and don't need, so it's easy.
Don't stress it will be ok
I did all the stuff you mentioned the 2 days prior to my c-section and it was fine. I think you still have a few more weeks before you really have to panic. If you go into labor tomorrow, DH could pack you up some stuff for the hospital, install the carseat and get the bassinet out of storage. You don't necessarily need the crib set up/LO's whole wardrobe cleaned before you leave the hospital. As long as you get a few outfits cleaned sooner than later, you're fine.
I wouldn't stock up too much before baby's arrival. What more could you need that you're going to absolutely not survive LOs first month without? Some diapers, new nipples for bottles if you're bottle feeding and you're fine. Newborns need for so little. I think you're overthinking everything.
Unfortunately this is one of those times you are going to have to multitask. Packing a bag with no one to watch DD1 while you do it will be the least of your worries once you actually have 2u2. Put a laundry basket with some clothes in front of her and let her have at it, or better yet, just stick her in the laundry basket. Buy some diapers, get the bassinet out and wash a few items for baby. Your DH can install the car seat after your baby is born if need be.
I personally would have felt very behind at 36 weeks but that's only because #1 came at 37w and #2 came at 35w.
You will be ok! I promise your baby won't know any different.