
FB political post - lost on me

A FB friend, who has made his support of Romney very clear, posted a link to this article.

Obama is the Real Radical

What do the quotes of a bunch of former presidents have to do with Obama?  I guess I don't see the connection. Then again, I don't have much interest in or knowledge of politics.  Perhaps the article is too "smart" for me, but I feel like I'm missing the point here.


Re: FB political post - lost on me

  • imagefredalina:
    He's making the case that Obama, like Woodrow Wilson, FDR, and LBJ before him, wants to increase the power of government beyond what is in the constitution and what the founding fathers wanted. He's using the quotes which are very similarly worded to draw the comparison. Unfortunatley he fails to make the case that WW, FDR, and LBJ were bad presidents. Well, I already knew that, but I doubt the reader will leave with that sense. They'll be like, "yeah, okay, so what?" The choice of the word radical is because Obama has called Paul Ryan a radical. Basically Will wants you to consider that Ryan believes in the constitution and Obama undermines it, therefore Obama is the radical, not Ryan. I just don't think he made the case.

    Exactly what it did for me!

    That makes a lot more sense to me now.  Thank you for the explanation.  My head hurt after trying to read that article the second time through.  I still don't see a very sound argument though.  Maybe I should reply, "Oh." to the FB post.  LOL

    I don't know jack about Ryan.  Don't like Mitt = Don't care about Ryan

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