Cloth Diapering

New Washer/Dryer ?

We just moved into our new house and finally got our new washer/dryer running.  I've never used a front loader he machine.  Any tips on washing CDs with them?  Can I or should I use the sanitize mode?  Do I need to add more water (if so how do I do it)?  Do I just push the extra pre rinse button before starting the load?

* Side note:  I am so happy to be back with CDs - I have never experienced blowouts with CDs and with disposables I had my fair share.  Also cloth wipes makes cleaning up mud butts so much easier than 5 or 6 wet wipes! 


Re: New Washer/Dryer ?

  • Sanitize mode is too hot for elastic and PUL - so probably not a good choice.

    Pre-rinse. It depends if the pre-rinse releases the detergent or not. If it doesn't, then sure. If it does, you'll need to do a pre-rinse cycle and then a separate wash cycle.

    Adding water. I'd see what your machine does normally before complicating things. I have a front loader and have never had to do anything to add more water. I just wash on a normal cycle. My mom, on the other hand, has an HE toploader and I had to wash diapers on the 'bulky' setting to get it to add enough water.

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  • My front-loader (a new LG) has a "water plus" setting which helps it get enough water to get things clean. Otherwise with a small load there is hardly any water in there. 

    My manual says the sanitize mode is really hot, so I don't use it. I think it would probably decrease the life of diapers and clothes and whatnot.



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