starting because I have one.
I cannot help but completely selfishly want this sad little girl out of my daughter's class at daycare. She's been there about a month, and has not adjusted, at all. I have never seen her not crying, ever. Husband does dropoff and he said the same thing. She just lays on the floor and cries 100% of the time. The teachers try to interact with her, hold her, play with her, she just never.stops.crying. James said her dad was in this morning telling the teachers he's concerned she isn't eating enough. I have no idea what I would do in their shoes. The thought of knowing Lexi was crying all day long at daycare would shatter my heart, I might have to quit my job and move to a cheaper house so she wouldn't have to endure that all day. I wish my predominant feeling was sympathy, but mostly I just wish my daughter could move up to the next room so she doesn't have to listen to that all day.
Wow. I'm a horrible person!
During yesterday's random thoughts post, I mentioned this monster zit on my forehead that is giving me a headache. The confession: this morning, while getting ready for work I noticed a bottle of windex in the bathroom (DH has been on a cleaning spree the past few days). I was thisclose to seeing if Windex actually worked. Alas, I chickened out.
Oh come on. Chicken!
My confessions:
1. I have gone out for coffee twice this morning already. That's 2 breaks in 2 hours.
2. My child is driving me up a wall with his tantrums. I ignore him or make fun of him for throwing a tantrum... probably not my finest parenting. Every time I say the words "no" or "don't" I am met with a crying, rolling on the floor fit. He makes me want to pull my hair out! How long will this last?
Right there with you sister! Honestly though, I think ignoring them is good. If you give them attention during a tantrum, you are giving them exactly what they want. Ignoring it makes it a non-issue. At lest, that's my theory and I'm sticking to it (for now).
I've been there! There was a little girl that started in Jamey's class in the spring and she was around 10 months at the time. All the other kids had been going to DC since they were little babies and were well adjusted. I think 10 months was a hard age to start DC but she would sceam non-stop every day! It was annoying to be around her. And because she was always crying her nose was always snotty and gross and she'd be drooling everywhere, it was just a mess. I felt bad for not liking a baby but she was hard to like! She became really attached to one teacher and one teacher only and if that teacher did anything with any of the other kids it would just set her off all over again. It took her months to really adjust to being there. She is fine now but I'm still not all that fond of her. In January she will move out of Jamey's room and I'm secretly excited!
I thought the tantrums didn't start until later!!!! Thye really suck. DH witnessed one the other day and stood in the hall with the greatest look of shock on his face. He asked what to do and I told him to come sit with me on the couch in the living room. Connor was done throwing his fit within a few seconds and came in to sit with us. I'm so scared that he is going to throw a hissy while we are out, I haven't been taking him out with me. I'm ready for this stage to be over with.
For real, terrible twos already? I just want to tell him dude, its not that serious, hand me the sharpie marker and we'll all be fine. life's not over Buddy!
Ps: bump mobile fail on eliminating the quote tree. Lol
2 we have been watching a lot of Tv this week
ETA: this mobile keeps taking out my parenthesis.
Tritto this.
We saw my ILs this weekend and I would just ignore C when she was throwing a fit. My MIL didn't like that much. She would pick C up and try and comfort her. I just shrugged my shoulders. Whatevs.
Great job. Has he said anything? Does he have that many clothes to wear? Or is he wearing dirty now?
Stella still gets her baths in the kitchen sink. This is for two reason: DH has not had the time to get our bathroom done to make our tub available to bathe her and #2 - it is much easier on my back and knees.
He has still not said anything. It's just some tshirts and boxers in there, sometimes he puts stuff in the basket so he just wears that. I'm not sure he is adding too it anymore, I think its just sitting there.
Already confessed this on the May '13 board, but I could use to get it off my chest a second time:
I had a hard time choosing the spelling between 'Annika' and 'Anneka' for DD's name. We chose Anneka in the end because I felt it would be more phonetically-correct, and less likely to be mispronounced.
I have 3 laundry baskets of CLEAN clothes sitting in our bedroom, basket 1 has been there for 2 weeks - I just don't have the motivation to fold/hang them and put them away.
This is me. By the time I do all the laundry, the last thing I want to do is put it away. MH will take his stuff and put it away the same night and my stuff will sit in the basket for days. I've been trying to make a habit of folding right after the dryer is done but even so, still can't be bothered putting them away.
MPZ born June 2011
TTC #2 ... Cycle 1-3: IUI = BFN | Cycle 4: IVF ... canceled but 3 snow babies
Cycle 5: FET .. BFP! | EDD - 3/15/2014
I'm not sure if it matters, but I think you made the right choice. I hope you can begin to let it go now that you have 'confessed' it here :-) You wouldn't believe how many people mispronounce Julia. Really people? DH has said once that if he knew how many people mispronounced it he might have not wanted it to be her name. I was surprised. I wouldn't change her name no matter what.
OMG. What is he doing for clothes?
Fake meat? I'm so confused. Like morning star or something??
Mine: we've dropped the bottle, but C still won't drink more than a sip or 2 of milk from a cup. My confession is I've snuck him a few bottles here and there when I think he's not getting enough dairy. I don't tell DH. He'd be pissy about it. He thinks I baby him too much.
Your diapers. :::giggle:::
I just have to reply to this one. But WOW!!! The saga continues!!! I think your DH knows by now and he isn't surrendering either! (Sorry I'm not sure if you've mentioned that before and I missed it.)
People have to ask twice when I tell them her name is Liv. Someone asked how it's spelt and then asked "oh...Lou?" Huh?? So sometimes I say " long LIVE the king!"