Cloth Diapering


My son spends 1 night a week with his grandparents, and goes to church Sunday mornings with his other grandparents. I LOVE that they want to spend so much time with him, but they are NOT on board with the cloth diapers.  I only pack cloth diapers with him, but it never fails, THEY GO BUY THEIR OWN DISPOSABLE. He's always returned to me in some kind of disposable diaper without even a 2nd glance being given to the cloth in the diaper bag.

I've told them to just put the diapers in a ziploc bag and I'll wash them. THIS WOULD BE JUST LIKE THE DISPOSABLES. 

But neither set of grandparents wants to use cloth!


Anyone else have this problem? Anyone overcome this issue?

I still have A LONG time with kids in diapers, and I don't want all those disposables being put in the landfill :(

Re: Grandparents.

  • If this were the case for me, the grandparents wouldn't be allowed to watch DD. I don't want the chemicals next to her skin. If someone isn't respecting my parenting rules and style they don't get one on one time with my kid.
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  • Being a young mother, I don't have much money to give him a lot of things, and the grandparents that take him for the night have a whole room for him filled with toys, and they take him to do special things, I'd hate for him to miss out on all of that.

    The other grandparent only takes him for church, so it's 1 diaper a week, but it's still enough to annoy me. But he's getting time with other kids his age, which he doesn't get a lot of, so I don't want to take that away from him too.

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  • My mother was resistant to the idea of cloth at the beginning, which was surprising since she used cloth with me and my middle sister. I think she felt that disposables would just be easier for me. For the most part when she watches DD she uses cloth, but the odd time she will be in a disposable when I get home if DD has been at my parents home. For me it's not the end of the world, I just change her out of the sposie and put a cloth on her.

    It all comes down to how you feel, and if a cloth diaper is more important than your LO seeing their grandparents, and whether you want to make a big deal out of it.

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  • I'd be frustrated but wouldn't want to make a big deal about it.  Maybe continue to educate and show them how easy cloth diapers are and hope they eventually get it?!
  • I don't think it is a big deal for them to use a disposable. Just because you prefer cd, doesn't mean others have to as well. And if it's such a big deal for you, then maybe you should stay home and change your diapers yourself. The time between your son and his grandparents is so precious. Seems out of the picture for you to complain about it here. Don't enforce what you believe. If you don't like it, then you should invite your grandparents over for a night and you can continue changing his diapers.
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  • I guess I'm like the first PP, in the minority on this issue. If my parents or DHs parents couldn't follow our instructions for something as simple as a diaper, how could I trust them alone with my child to follow our instructions for something of more importance (like allergenic foods, or car seat safety). Honestly, cloth isn't hard and it is disrespectful to you as your LO's mother for them to use disposables when you have expressly told them to use cloth. Cloth vs. disposables doesn't seem like the real issue here, to me it's an issue of respect for you as a parent, and as an adult/ peer. Do they otherwise try to parent your baby?

    I understand being a young mom and not having much money, I'm in the same boat. But his grandparents that take him for the night, with the room full of toys, why didn't they share that boatload of toys with you? I'm sure they know that finances are tight for you, so why do they keep all those toys at their house and not lend or give some to you so your son has some new and stimulating toys to play with at home?  As for time with other kids his age, can you find a playgroup in your area to take him to? Or go to the park at a time of day when you have noticed other moms are there?

  • I think I'd start by having a conversation with them where you can ask them why they're hesitant to use the CDs you've packed and where you express why you'd like them to.  I can't see a valid reason for them not wanting to CD so hopefully it's just more of a miscommunication than anything (maybe they don't realize it's an issue at all). 

    After this conversation you can decide from there how to proceed.

    Personally, I feel like PP, if DS's grandparents can't comply with something as simple as CD'ing I wouldn't really feel comfortable leaving him in their care because who knows what else they'll disregard.  That's just my personal opinion though, you have to handle it the way that feels right to you.

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  • I agree with both sides in this thread.

    If it's only about the cds and it's the only thing that they're fighting you on/ignoring your wishes, then I'd be tempted to let it go.

    If they're ignoring how you're raising your child on the grander scheme then I'd make an issue of it. 

  • Do they respect your other wishes? I would be worried about them not respecting my parenting choices if they are so willing to disregard your cloth preference. A grandparent who refuses to learn how to use a few snaps/velcro is probably the same grandparent who will feed baby cookies and let them watch TV even when you say it's not ok. 
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  • imagezaraceligon:
    I don't think it is a big deal for them to use a disposable. Just because you prefer cd, doesn't mean others have to as well. And if it's such a big deal for you, then maybe you should stay home and change your diapers yourself. The time between your son and his grandparents is so precious. Seems out of the picture for you to complain about it here. Don't enforce what you believe. If you don't like it, then you should invite your grandparents over for a night and you can continue changing his diapers.

     It is HER CHILD. So others do need to respect her wishes as a mother and she DOES get to enforce what she believes.

    That being said - I agree with several of the other posters. You may need to pick your battles. I would first try and figure out why the big deal is that they refuse to try a CD. If you can't make headway  - you may have to choose between what is most important to you.

    But I wouldn't buy them myself. If they are happy making that purchase - then let them. Maybe this alone will help them to become interested in cloth.

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  • imagepixy_stix:

    I agree with both sides in this thread.

    If it's only about the cds and it's the only thing that they're fighting you on/ignoring your wishes, then I'd be tempted to let it go.

    If they're ignoring how you're raising your child on the grander scheme then I'd make an issue of it. 

    Ditto.  If it's just the CDs, I would just overlook it (unless your LO has a sensitivity to sposies or something and wearing them would cause a problem).  It's just a few diapers here and there, so it's not a big deal.  If it's a whole host of other issues though, I'd say something.

  • It's your kid, your rules? :)

    My parents were apprehensive at first, but they aren't going to disrespect my feelings and parenting decisions by putting DD in sposies.

     Sounds like you need to have a real heart-to-heart with them.

    If they refuse to comply, well that's your decision... I would be pissed though. 

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  • I'm sorry for what I wrote early,for my no matter what we have to show respect and be thankful to the elders that's how my culture is not matter what they do.

    Thanks NORYANG you are right is her child and she does to enforce what she believes.

    again I'm sorry if I was rude. 

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  • Hey guys!

    Just wanted to come back and respond to everyone.  I know it's not the end of the world for them to use a disposable, I just 1) hate to see them wasting their money on diapers  2) hate to see how many diapers are being  put in the landfill.

     My son is 1, and I've only been using cloth for about a month now, so they've been using disposable diapers with him for a long time.  It's habit for them now. All of my other instructions for him are being followed. I've spent both days, and nights with them with my son in the past and they do everything else as I wish/instruct.

    I don't want to take away the time with him. I said before that they're giving him things that I can't necessarily give to him at this point, i.e. vacations, time with THEM, the experience at church (I could give it to him, but I'm not much of a church goer myself), plus he's getting time with his Aunt's and Uncles at church, who are under 10, and LOVE getting to see him on a regular basis.

    Them using disposable diapers isn't so much of an issue that I want to take away their one on one time with him. It's become a habit, because 1 has had 2 of her own kids, and 2 grandkids all in disposables and used them with my son for a year. The other has 5 kids of her own that have all used disposable diapers, and again used them for a year with my son. 

    I just wanted to know if anyone had some tips on getting them on board the cloth diaper train. I'm having a 2nd baby early next year, and my son is going to be in diapers for at least another year, most likely more.  With 2 in diapers, that's doubling THEIR diaper budget, which shouldn't even exist and just makes me feel bad for spending their money, and it doubles the amount of trash each week.

    While it's not the biggest issue in the world, I just wanted advice on helping ease them into it to save them money, not have everyone attack their ability to care for a child. 



    I've tried sending with him as many diapers as he'll probably need (fuzzibunz, pre-stuffed) and bags for them to be put in.

    And I've showed them how easy it is.


    But I guess it's hard to break old habits :/

  • imagezaraceligon:

    I'm sorry for what I wrote early,for my no matter what we have to show respect and be thankful to the elders that's how my culture is not matter what they do.

    Thanks NORYANG you are right is her child and she does to enforce what she believes.

    again I'm sorry if I was rude. 

     You weren't rude, I think everyone just kind of took it as a bigger deal than I thought I  was making it.  It's not the end of the world or anything, I just hate to have them spend their money, and I just wanted to know if anyone else had the issue, and how they got others on board.

  • imageAlyssaRoseKeane:

    I'm sorry for what I wrote early,for my no matter what we have to show respect and be thankful to the elders that's how my culture is not matter what they do.

    Thanks NORYANG you are right is her child and she does to enforce what she believes.

    again I'm sorry if I was rude. 

     You weren't rude, I think everyone just kind of took it as a bigger deal than I thought I  was making it.  It's not the end of the world or anything, I just hate to have them spend their money, and I just wanted to know if anyone else had the issue, and how they got others on board.

    I didn't think you were rude either. I just have a fundamental belief that might be different. It may be cultural. Or it may be that my birth parents were/are jacka**es and I would never defer to them with any parenting decision. Also, the idea of grandparents who refuse to even try just infuriates me.
    Soon to be Big Sister Eowyn - DOB February 2012
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    My family is a Foreign Service family. Families like mine are posted in every corner of the globe. We live our lives away from family, friends and the conviences and comforts of home. We often live and work in dangerous places among those that misunderstand our intentions and purposes. Sometimes members of our ranks sacrifice our lives to further diplomacy.  Please remember that we serve too. And I'm always open to questions.

  • As a parent I pick my battles honestly. Yes, your kid your rules but life is too short to lay down the law on everything.

    If I trust and respect you enough to watch my kid I will trust and respect what you choose to do with my kid in your care as well. My MIL uses my CDs, my Mom doesn't. Whatever. I don't necessarily get it, but she takes great care of LO otherwise.

    It's just my personal mantra. We're all different. We all have quirks. One CD is not worth ruining a great relationship over. Nor is starting a family drama over a CD that will probably last through Christmas. ;)

    I say choose your battles wisely and enjoy your freetime while your LO is fostering an important grandparent decisions.

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