I had an appointment this morning and was hoping I would get a date for these boys to arrive! I will be induced on September 17th unless I go into labor on my own before then!! At this moment, I am not even dilated!
Not that I am rushing them - I want them to be healthy and "fully cooked", but I'm sure many of you can relate that it's uncomfortable and painful (for me anyway) to be this pregnant with two! Also, it doesn't help that they are both measuring so large. (about 7lbs each last week)
So, it makes it a little easier to have a date to look forward to!
Re: We have a date!!!
Yeah!! SO very excited for you..... And I am SO VERY jealous. I am ready NOT to be preggo anymore.
Good Luck!!!
July 2011: Clomid 50mg- No ovulation
Sept 2011: Clomid 100mg- No ovulation
Nov 2011: Clomid 150mg- No ovulation
Jan-Feb 2012: 150mg Clomid and 5 mg Femara w/ Orvidrel Shot- Ovulation!!
Feb 2012: IUI #1- BFP
Beta #1: 206
Beta #2: 2496
Feb 16: TWINS!!!
June 13: Found out genders... Boy/Girl (Team Green)
How exciting!!!!
I am exactly in your boat! Will start to be induced on September 19 unless they come out sooner. I am not even dilated either so I have a feeling I may make it.
Thanks Ladies! It really does give me peace of mind I guess I would say!
11 days or less!!
TTC since 2004
DX: Azoospermia
3 unmedicated IUI's, 1 with Clomid - all unsuccessful. Moving on to DIVF #1-BFP 5dp5dt!!! 1st Beta 1/23- 269!! Beta #2 1/26 - 882!!! Beta #3 1/30- 4,250!!! 1st ultrasound 2/10 showed TWINS!!! Found out on May 2nd we are having BOYS!
Yay!!! You must be SO excited!
My eviction date is set for October 2, and it helps so much to know that an end date exists. I've had no signs of PTL so I'm hoping to make it all the way to the end, too, unless the boys have other ideas.
Can't wait to see pictures of your little ones!