Please excuse the vulgarity but I'm working with this one woman on a project and she literally spent the whole time "suckingmyboss'***". It was borderline nauseating!
I'm all for giving accolades but enough is enough already - let's get some work done people. He isn't even in any place to promote her!
Disclaimer: he is a really great person to work with but a simple "thanks, great work" would have probably been enough. By the end of the meeting she had him promoted to CEO!
Re: So much dicksucking in my last meeting!
Matthew James 1/11/07
That's when I make a "game" to play...every time she has a compliment, you cough. Every time she says your bosses name, you clear your throat. Every time she brings up "a b c" (whatever the specific thing is), try to interrupt with "soooooo....back to the meeting. Are we working on d e f yet?"
But that's just me and how I make meetings like that fun. lots of dicksucking and balllicking happens at my office.