
Can we talk about weight gain??

Ok, so I started my pregnancy at about 152ish and here I am at 21 weeks I am only 167... I was sick in the beginning so I didnt put much weight on. And now I feel like I am at the point where 2 bites of anything fill me up! I try to eat a lot of protein for these little guys and hardly any carbs so Im guessing thats why Im not putting on a ton. My doc is concerned really, she just says to do what I can, but I get the impression she thinks its poor weight gain. We start growth scans at 24 weeks so that should give me and idea if the babies are doing fine but in the mean time I sit here and worry.

can you give me any reassurance??

Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

TTC since 2005
missed miscarriage nov 2006- 4 failed clomid cycles-
3 failed femara iui cycles-
moving on to IVF oct 2011
ER nov. 7th
tansfered 2 blasts on 11/10
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beta #1 on 11/21= 50.4
beta #2 on11/23= 90.8
another miscarriage 12/23
moving on to Round 2 of IVF with an auto immune dx
ER 4/23-retrieved 12 eggs
ET 4/28 3 transfered
Beta #1- 356
Beta #2- 870

Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Re: Can we talk about weight gain??

  • My MFM was very insistent on 20 lbs by 20 weeks and I'm pretty sure I was 15 lbs or maybe a little less.  I was also sick the first 14ish weeks and then just not hungry.  They sent me to a nutritionist (I had to pay OOP and was mad about it) which was surprisingly a huge help.  Focusing on protein helped and she had good suggestions about what to eat - things I wouldn't have thought about, like fast food breakfasts have tons of protein and she didn't care about the fat.  Breakfast was a meal I tended to be hungry for so it worked.  At night I would make protein shakes with protein powder, ice cream, peanut butter and chocolate syrup. It was easier to drink those calories than eat them.

    I gained about 40lbs total and had two 6lb 12oz'ers at 37 weeks - I have to believe the protein contributed to that.

    All to say - it's not too late for your to keep gaining weight and I would suggest a nutritionist and one who knows about multiple pregnancies.  Good luck! 

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  • I worked really hard to put gain in the beginning where they say it's most important, especially for multiples because they do start to take up so much room you feel like you can't fit the food in so you have that added weight stored up for them. I gained 50lbs by 32w (I was pregnant with triplets until 13w). Every morning I had decaf coffee and I made it  a "mocha" by adding in a packet or 2 of Carnation Breakfast Essentials. I had at least 2 of those packets a day for their protein and all. I also ate eggs pretty much every morning and snacked on a lot of cheese, yogurt, etc to get good nutrients. I'd really look into protein shakes because I know they're what have kept a lot of MoM's going when they feel they can't fit in any food! Good luck!
    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
    after 10 weeks of bedrest for contractions and shorting cvx they arrived at 32 weeks!
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  • Thank you! I may just have to see a nutrtionist, i only want whats best for these babies!!!
    Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

    TTC since 2005
    missed miscarriage nov 2006- 4 failed clomid cycles-
    3 failed femara iui cycles-
    moving on to IVF oct 2011
    ER nov. 7th
    tansfered 2 blasts on 11/10
    lots of +hpt!!
    beta #1 on 11/21= 50.4
    beta #2 on11/23= 90.8
    another miscarriage 12/23
    moving on to Round 2 of IVF with an auto immune dx
    ER 4/23-retrieved 12 eggs
    ET 4/28 3 transfered
    Beta #1- 356
    Beta #2- 870

    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
  • I did not do well on weight gain.  I had super bad puking.  In the end I gained 50 lbs.  But I also gained 20 lbs of fluid in the last month - meaing I honestly only gained about 30.

    I lost all of it by 6 weeks PP - all 50 lbs gone. 

    My kids were little.  2005 grams and 2010 grams at 36 weeks.  We also had a few other reasons for smaller babies - pre-eclampsia and previous SCH.  My mom also made small babies too. 

    So I did the best that I could.  But I am sure I could have tried to get more protein. 

    Three losses in 2009; Boy/Girl twins born in 2010 image
  • imageMollusksWrangler:
    Does any one have a grams of protein a day suggestion? I've gained 6or 7lbs so far and I know I need to amp it up. I feel like I've been eating so much.

    I just read last night that 130g is the minimum for twins and Dr.Luke recommends 176!! 

    Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

    TTC since 2005
    missed miscarriage nov 2006- 4 failed clomid cycles-
    3 failed femara iui cycles-
    moving on to IVF oct 2011
    ER nov. 7th
    tansfered 2 blasts on 11/10
    lots of +hpt!!
    beta #1 on 11/21= 50.4
    beta #2 on11/23= 90.8
    another miscarriage 12/23
    moving on to Round 2 of IVF with an auto immune dx
    ER 4/23-retrieved 12 eggs
    ET 4/28 3 transfered
    Beta #1- 356
    Beta #2- 870

    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
  • Ugh, I just don't know about my OB. I am overweight and down 2 pounds since I've been so sick. At my 13 weeks appointment she said she would be fine if I didn't gain anything this pregnancy and I could actually lose weight. This scares me with being pregnsnt with multiples. She won't refer me to an MFM.
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  • I was 105 when I got pregnant.  I gained 15 lbs then stayed there for the longest time.  No morning sickness and was eating like crazy.  I start gaining after 26 weeks again when I was put on bed rest.  My cs is this monday at 36 weeks and I am now 146.  I was freaking out because I remember saying I need to gain 30 lbs in 3 months.  Just make sure you rest and eat whenever you want.  I actually start making it my goal to eat 3 meals a day and drink ensure (gross).  
  • I was very ill I'm the beginning and lost weight. I put the most on towards the end. I only gained 45 lb and I will tell you it was gone by week 2 plus I lost another 15 taking care of twins- no fear the weight disappears fast. To gain weight I ate London broil, baked sweet potatoes and veggies. My two were born big and healthy.
  • I am overweight to begin with so I had plenty from the get go. My OB still wants me to gain weight, but only about 25 lbs. 

    My pre-pregnancy weight is a little sketchy since I gained a lot of artificial weight when I quit smoking last year and then this year with IVF. Last November, I weighted about 240, then I quit smoking in December and then did IVF in February. At ER, I weighted 260. Yikes!

    Now at 23 weeks, I have only gained 7.4 lbs. My OB is not concerned as in reality, baby weight is probably replacing some of the artificial weight I gained earlier in the year. I eat healthily all day and then just eat whatever I want for dinner in order to try and pack on some calories, but it isn't working. I am convinced the 7.4 lbs I have gained are from the 2 weeks where I craved nothing but Taco Bell.  

    Every time I mention it to my OB she says I am fine. the girls are actually measuring ahead of the curve. Every time I say "I am not gaining weight" she responds with "You will". I guess it's coming towards the end. Who knows! 

    Single Mother by Choice. Life didn't work out the way I planned so I did it on my own. IUI #s 1-3, unmedicated = BFN, IUI #s 4-6, 50mg Clomid, Ovidrel = BFN IVF #1: 23R, 20M, 17F. 5 day transfer 2 blasts. 2 Snowbabies BFP 6dp5dt, Beta #1 7dp5dt = 58, Beta #2 9dp5dt = 114, Beta #3 10dp5dt = 187 1st Ultrasound = 5/3, not much to see yet. 2nd Ultrasound = 5/17, TWINS!!! Hospital Bed Rest at 32 weeks due to pre-ecclampsia and severe edema. Audrey Grace, 5lbs9oz, & Lydia Louise, 6lbs, born via emergency c-section on 12/6/12 at 36w1d My IVF Journey
  • I'm having a hard time getting the weight gain going as well.  I lost about 5lbs from being sick and am just now back up to where I started.  I was told 2lbs per week is where they want me for gain from 12w on, so I'm behind the 8 ball. 

    Protein shakes were the biggest rec from my nutritionist, and there are actually decent ones out there.  Bolthouse Farms makes a few (the Mango one is yummy but they are all pretty good), Naked Juice makes ones that taste good but are a little gritty, Odwalla makes a few that go down very smoothly but the taste is so-so (still better than Ensure- gross).  I buy a bunch of them and have one with me every day.  I sip on them slowly so as not to get overly full and by the end of the day I've gotten the whole thing down. 



    Me: 31 DH: 30
    Dx DOR (AMH .49), Stage 3/4 Endo, Septate Uterus
    After 2 years, numerous tests, abdonimal surgery, and 2 IVF cycles, we are so grateful to be expecting.
    Transferred 2 "perfect" 8-cell embies 6/12. Beta 1 6/25: 472! Beta 2 6/27: 1055!
    First u/s shows TRIPLETS! WHAT?!?! Both embies stuck and one split. OMG

    Levi, Henry, and Amelia were born healthy at 34w3d.
  • imageMamaHook:
    Ugh, I just don't know about my OB. I am overweight and down 2 pounds since I've been so sick. At my 13 weeks appointment she said she would be fine if I didn't gain anything this pregnancy and I could actually lose weight. This scares me with being pregnsnt with multiples. She won't refer me to an MFM.

    I side-eye any OB who won't refer you to an MFM.

    How to tell my boys apart

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    My blog * We made the national news!
  • I agree the weight gain has been very hard.  Every OB visit I dread the scale b/c I am worried I won't have gained enough.  My OB hasn't been harsh about it but did state the weight gain was very important for me as I am so small to start. I started at 105 and at 16 weeks this morning I weighed in at 122 so it's slowly starting to pack on.  I have been told 45 to 50lbs of weight gain this pregnancy. Twenty lbs the first half, a slight slow down for weeks 20-28 (about 10lbs) and then major gain (15-20lbs) after 28 weeks.  Either way he said if I can average about 2lbs a week starting week 12 I would be good.

    My OB recommended Boost protein plus drinks, carnation instant breakfast and protein powder drinks.  He said as those mix with milk you get a complete protein and dairy and for me I also find it easier to drink the calories than eat them.  Also these twins are making me a vegetarian as I cannot stand meat so I have been adding beans and eggs to every meal.  I cannot tell you how many egg, bean and cheese tacos I have eaten in the past few weeks. 

    Oh and the crock pot has been my best friend for dinners as you can do so many high protein meals in those!

    M & M
    06/12 - BFP!!!!
    Beta #1 15dpo - 256
    Beta #2 18dpo - 1097
    6wk U/S on 07/02 ~ TWINS!!!
    EDD 02/21/13
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    Jacob and Samuel born 1/29/13 at 36 weeks. photo F489900B-BB44-4C44-ACD1-ABB73509E3B2-9032-000005E7AE7EF53E.jpg Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
  • I had HG so bad in the beginning I was hospitalized and ended up getting a PICC line and zofran pump so weight gain was not easy.

    I didn't make the 24lbs by 24 weeks goal,but did my best. I'm up 30lbs and have been there since about 30ish weeks with no change since. My MFM has mentioned it gently a few times, but the girls are growing well and as of yesterday are predicted to be right at 6lbs by our C/S (scheduled for 36w2d). I'm very happy with that size.

    I was actually hospitalized last week when my HG flared up pretty bad again. At this point mere bites fill me up to the point of being uncomfortable and sick. Mostly I've focused on packing protein and calories in when I do eat. I was actually told to drink and juices and sports drinks versus always filling up on water alone so that I'd be adding calories and nutrients in.

    Honestly, I didn't get too hung up in the Dr.Luke protocol. It was unattainable and far fetched for me.  

  • imageMamaHook:
    Ugh, I just don't know about my OB. I am overweight and down 2 pounds since I've been so sick. At my 13 weeks appointment she said she would be fine if I didn't gain anything this pregnancy and I could actually lose weight. This scares me with being pregnsnt with multiples. She won't refer me to an MFM.
    I swear you must have the same doctors i do (no mfm.referral, bad weight gain advice).
  • I have gained three pounds since the beginning and i am personally a little concerned. I have been eating protein...lots of cheese and yogurts and meats. I felt pretty icky until recently, but i still.ate as much as i could stomach.???????????One thing that i that i did not gain any weight other two babies until later (probably mid-late second trimester. Slowly at first and then ot kind of snowballed. No gd or high blood pressure or anything bad, but it just be my personal.pattern of weight gain. I was not actively trying to gain like i have been doing this time, but i was eating healthy foods and my body just did not put weight on until later. I started at the exact same.weight for all three. So i am trying to take.solace in the fact that my body has a weird way of gaining (and i eat whenever i am.hungry). I have also been drinking the protein shakes.
  • imagepea-kay:

    Ugh, I just don't know about my OB. I am overweight and down 2 pounds since I've been so sick. At my 13 weeks appointment she said she would be fine if I didn't gain anything this pregnancy and I could actually lose weight. This scares me with being pregnsnt with multiples. She won't refer me to an MFM.

    I side-eye any OB who won't refer you to an MFM.


    This. I would find a new doctor.  Also, if you are getting full quickly try to eat small meals or snacks every 2 hours. That's what I did!!

    Lilypie First Birthday tickers image image image image
  • Weight gain has been a huge issue for me. I'm up about 30 and I think I was only around 10-12 lbs. up at 20w. I still have m/s and Zofran doesn't do it for me, so I really have to watch what I eat so I can keep it down. In the beginning, I really tried to meet the goals through dairy. Lots of cheese, yogurt, nuts, hummus. I couldn't do meat. My MFM told me to focus on Ensure shakes, adding juice to water for calories, and as much dairy as I could tolerate. She also told me to try small, frequent meals. It has been an ongoing battle, but I am finally making some progress.

    FWIW, while my BMI was normal, I put on a lot of weight during our year and half of fertility treatment. When I got pregnant, plenty commented on how it looked like the extra weight in my face and arms was just traveling to my belly. I think I would be up more if I hadn't had some of the extra fluff to begin with. My babies are measuring small, but the MFM and OB are not concerned, as they believe they are just taking after their parents (DH and I are petite and I was a tiny tiny baby).

    TTC in 2009, Dx: Unexplained IF
    Three TI cycles (BFP...miscarriage), five IUI attempts and 2.5 IVF cycles later...BFP!!
    12dp5dt: 765; 15dp5dt: 1979; 17dp5dt: 3379...TWINS!!!!!
    Our perfect baby boys were born at 36w1d!! 

  • My docs haven't been crazy about ensuring rapid weight gain, but did suggest hitting at least 2800 cals/day. I'm up 18-20 lbs at 21 weeks, and I still exercise 4-5 times per week for 50-60 minutes at a time (cardio, light weights). So, without exercise, I probably would have only needed ~2400/day or so in the end to put on that weight. This has continued to put me right in the ballpark to hit the +24 lbs by 24 weeks target that Dr. Luke mentions.

    Everyone's system packs on the pounds differently as it relates to pregnancy -- and my rate of gain has been all over the place -- some weeks I gain 3 lbs, and then gain nothing for the next two weeks. Net, I really don't gain myself more often than every 2-3 weeks just to keep a high level pulse on how I'm progressing. 

    TTC Since 11/10 due to Unexplained IF 
    4 Rounds of Clomid, 2 Rounds of Femara + IUI, 2 rounds of IUI+ Injectables (Bravelle + Menopur) = First BFP! TWIN GIRLS!

    November 2, 2012 - Claire (2lbs 8.9oz) and Paige (2lbs 10oz) arrive at 29w3d due to PTL and pPROM at 28w5d 
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  • imagemysteriousmommy:

    Ugh, I just don't know about my OB. I am overweight and down 2 pounds since I've been so sick. At my 13 weeks appointment she said she would be fine if I didn't gain anything this pregnancy and I could actually lose weight. This scares me with being pregnsnt with multiples. She won't refer me to an MFM.

    I side-eye any OB who won't refer you to an MFM.


    This. I would find a new doctor.  Also, if you are getting full quickly try to eat small meals or snacks every 2 hours. That's what I did!!

    I agree.


    fraternal twin boys born january 2009
  • Can you drink Ensure or another drink?  I had two of those a day up until I delivered at 34w.
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  • I gained 20 lbs total and went to 36 weeks. No bed rest, good weights. My mfm was fine with it. I started at 125 and I'm 5'7.
  • I prob would have gained 5 more pounds or so if I didn't struggle with bad gallbladder issues from 32 weeks on.
  • I only gained 25lbs.  I threw up every day until 26 weeks and had GD, so gaining was hard.  I ate TONS of protein and tried to make meals count.  As long as your babies are gaining and you're getting everything you need, I don't think a # is super important. 
    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • imageFancy3Face:
    I only gained 25lbs.  I threw up every day until 26 weeks and had GD, so gaining was hard.  I ate TONS of protein and tried to make meals count.  As long as your babies are gaining and you're getting everything you need, I don't think a # is super important. 

    It's not. It is just extra weight to lose in the end. Some people gain 60 lbs and still have IUGR.... I'm not an advocate for tons of weight gain with multiples but I understand that many are and have different opinions and experiences.  Everyone seems to have an mfm with a different opinion on this as well.  

  • imagepea-kay:

    Ugh, I just don't know about my OB. I am overweight and down 2 pounds since I've been so sick. At my 13 weeks appointment she said she would be fine if I didn't gain anything this pregnancy and I could actually lose weight. This scares me with being pregnsnt with multiples. She won't refer me to an MFM.

    I side-eye any OB who won't refer you to an MFM.

    Right?! She just doesn't think it's "necessary". I told my husband that at my 16 week appt. we need to push for it.  

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