Baby Names

Give me some thoughts on this long list of random names...

If you're bored, critique these names (some random, some serious contenders) that I've been loving lately!





Henrietta (nn Hattie)

Harriet (nn Hattie) 

Joan (nn Joanie)

Josephine (nn Posy)

Phillipa (nn Poppy, or no nn)

Ottilie (nn Tillie)

Mildred (nn Millie)

Winifred (nn Winnie)












Alfred (nn Alfie)






 ..I know it's a long list - this is just for fun. Let me know what you think! 

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Re: Give me some thoughts on this long list of random names...

  • i love the name Hattie! and another good nickname for Phllippa is Pippa :)


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  • I like Josephine, James or Oliver.
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  • My favorites are Henrietta, Josephine, Joan, and Mary.

    Alfred and James for boys. (I think Jimmy is darling.)

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  • Girls:

    Carlotta: I like it. It's different and refreshing.

    Anais: Not a fan. The sound of it reminds me of anus. Embarrassed

    Eloise: It's nice enough, but I've been hearing it so much lately that it's bordering on "overdone" status to me.

    Henrietta (nn Hattie): LOVE! Gorgeous. One of my faves.

    Harriet (nn Hattie): LOVE! Same as above!

    Joan (nn Joanie): It's nice, but I don't know if I could picture it on a little baby. It's kind of like a 50 year old's name to me.

    Josephine (nn Posy): Love Posy, but Josephine is just okay to me.

    Phillipa (nn Poppy, or no nn): I love it and love, love, love Poppy!

    Ottilie (nn Tillie): Cute, and I love Tillie!!

    Mildred (nn Millie): Not too big on this name.

    Winifred (nn Winnie): I really, really like this name! I love Winnie.

    Lenore: I like it.

    Sylvie: One of my faves.

    Sylvia: Same as above!

    Viola: It's alright. I'd like to meet a babe with this name.


    Mary: No. I like Marilyn though.



    Leo: Like...hear it a lot though.

    Otto: I can't really get into this one.

    Harvey: Great name!

    Alfred (nn Alfie): Definitely nms.

    James: Kind of boring to me. Better as a middle name IMO.

    Oliver: I really like it.

    Sumner: Reminds me of Summer which makes me feel like it's a little feminine. People would eff this one up royally.

    Marlowe: I like Marlowe as a girl's name.


    Your name taste (especially girl's names) is a lot like mine! Really pretty IMO.

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  • For the girls, I like Sylvie, Lenore, and Phillipa.

    And for boys, I absolutely love Leo. James and Oliver are nice too.  

  • Girls:

    Carlotta - it's ok, NMS

    Anais - No, I wouldn't know how to pronounce this

    Eloise - Nice

    Henrietta (nn Hattie) - Sorry I hate this nn

    Harriet (nn Hattie)  - same as above, reminds me of someone hairy

    Joan (nn Joanie) - Nice

    Josephine (nn Posy) - I like it but not sure I like the nn

    Phillipa (nn Poppy, or no nn) - Like

    Ottilie (nn Tillie) - I like the nn but not sure on the real name

    Mildred (nn Millie) - Dislike the real name but like the nn

    Winifred (nn Winnie) - Slightly better real name, like the nn

    Lenore - Like

    Sylvie - Good

    Sylvia - Good

    Viola - Nice

    Corlisa - Don't like this so some reason, not sure why

    Mary - Nice but plain



    Leo - Like

    Otto - Like

    Harvey - Don't like it

    Alfred (nn Alfie) - It's ok, NMS

    James - Good

    Oliver - NMS but nothing against it really

    Sumner - Yuck

    Marlowe - Maybe, it seems a bit like Marley to me which to me is a girls name.  Maybe if it was spelled Marlo.


  • Only girls names I prefer are Eloise and Lenore. I'm not a fan of Pippa becoming big because I will always think the person named them off of Kate's sister. Making it trendy. If that doesn't bug you then that's fine.

    Leo is my favorite boy name. Otto and Sumner would probably grow on me with just a little time.

    EDIT: I thought Phillipa had the nn Pippa not Poppy. Apparently I need to read closer. So really my Kate comment doesn't exactly apply. Sorry!

  • LOVE Lenore (my mother's name) I would love to use it one day but it will probably be a mn as DH isn't sold on it. It's strong and beautiful!

    Love Leo also


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  • I'm certainly not a regular here, but here's my two cents:
    Love Harriett, Josephine (although, how the heck do you get Posy out of that?)< Lenore and Mary.  Most of the others look like you're trying to hard to come up with something old-timey or unique (What is Ottillir or Corlisa?)

    Boys - Like Harvey.  Marlowe definitely is girly, the others are NMS.
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  • Girls:
    Carlotta...sounds very diva ish to me. I do like it, though.
    Anais...reminds me of baby blankets. AdenAnais is a very popular brand of blankets.
    Henrietta nn might be the Hen part but this sounds like a barnyard animal's name to me.
    Harriet nn Hattie...ok. I like it much more than Henrietta as a full name for Hattie.
    Joan nn Joanie...really dislike. I think it sounds so matronly.
    Josephine nn Posy...I really like Posy as a nn. It makes me think of the book Ballet Shoes.
    Philippa nn Poppy, or no nn...I have never met a nice Philippa.
    Ottilie nn Tillie...not a fan.
    Mildred nn Millie...Millie is cute but Mildred is way too old lady for me.
    Winifred nn Winnie...too old lady for me.
    Lenore...I like this one a lot. I like Lenora even more.
    Sylvie...I know half a dozen middle aged French women named Sylvie, so it's a bit matronly to me.
    Viola...not a fan
    Corlisa...not a fan
    Mary...ok, but I like it more as part of a double name.
    Otto...I picture a chubby, middle aged German man.
    Harvey...ok. It's a fast food chain where I live though.
    Alfred nn Alfie...I like Alfie and taught several when I lived in the UK, but I just can't with Alfred. Way too old man for me.
    James...good classic choice. a lot.
    Sumner...looks too much like Summer.
    Marlowe...I think Christopher Marlowe but am not a big fan as a fn.

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  • Josephine is my favorite for girls and James for the boy

  • imageCotterpinDoozer:
    I'm certainly not a regular here, but here's my two cents:
    Love Harriett, Josephine (although, how the heck do you get Posy out of that?)< Lenore and Mary.  Most of the others look like you're trying to hard to come up with something old-timey or unique (What is Ottillir or Corlisa?)

    Boys - Like Harvey.  Marlowe definitely is girly, the others are NMS.

    Well, I got it from; someone explained it as part of the "P" trend....i.e. Margaret - Meggie - Peggy, Josephine - Josie - Posy

    Ottilie is a French feminine name for Otto.

    Corlisa is on, but not on, so I'm not sure that it's legit - I just threw it out there bc Lisa is a family name so I wanted to see what everyone thought of it!


    Thanks for all the responses!

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  • Girls:

    Carlotta- No, I don't really like the name Carl so I think that is what makes me dislike this name.

    Anais-No, I think it sounds to harsh.

    Eloise-It's pretty but I hear it alot. It's not a name I would use.

    Henrietta (nn Hattie)-No, too old-fashioned for my taste

    Harriet (nn Hattie)-See Henrietta

    Joan (nn Joanie)-I LOVE this name. I may use it if I ever had a second girl (not likely). I think the nn Joanie is precious! I don't find it old fashioned, but it is classic. I think of the character Joan from Mona Lisa Smile (love that movie)!

    Josephine (nn Posy)-I like Josephine, but prefer the nn Josie.

    Phillipa (nn Poppy, or no nn)-I want to like it. I like Phillip. I just can't get with it.

    Ottilie (nn Tillie)-I like the nn Tille/Tilly, but for Matilda. I'm not feeling Ottilie

    Mildred (nn Millie)-Mille is cute but Mildred is too old fashioned for me.

    Winifred (nn Winnie)-See Mildred

    Lenore-Love it! I think Edgar Allan Poe and I love everything Poe!

    Sylvie-It's feels like a frilly version of Sylvia.

    Sylvia-Love Sylvia. I had an awesome aunt whose name was Sylvia and I really enjoy Sylvia Plaths works.


    Corlisa-sounds too...coarse

    Mary-I'm not a fan of Mary but I had a bad experience with a Mary. So that shouldn't stop you if you like it!



    Leo-Leo is nice but seems incomplete. I like Leopold.

    Otto-It's not terrible, but I wouldn't use it.

    Harvey-I think Lee Harvey Oswald Sad

    Alfred (nn-Alfie)-I think Batman

    James-Nice, I like James.

    Oliver-Oliver is cute.

    Sumner-not a fan. It's a town where I'm from.

    Marlowe-It's okay. I think it could possibly go to the girls. I try not to use last names as first names.

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  • I'll just do a top three for each:

    Girls: Eloise, Winifred, Sylvia

    Boys: Otto, James, Oliver

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