As I was nursing DD this evening I realized that I haven't felt the 'letdown' sensation in a long time. I didn't feel it when DD was a newborn, but I consistenty felt it from about 3 months to 9 months. Just wondering if it's normal that I no longer feel it.
ETA: I'm only BF-ing DD three times a day now (morning, after daycare and before bed)
Re: BF moms- do you still feel a letdown?
Still BF'ing quite often, but I almost never feel let down anymore. I felt it very strongly for most of the first year and then it just faded away and I'm not really sure when that happened, but it's at least been several months since I've felt it regularly.
I felt it last weekend when we were out of town and DD was so distracted by the new surroundings that she did not BF often one day - I was engorged the next morning and felt let down several times that day.
DH: 34/Me: 35
Married: Feb 2008
DD: June 2011
TTC# 2: April 2014
BFP!! 8/29/16 --> EDD: 5/11/'s a GIRL!!!
Yep, this for me too.
My food & craft blog: Fraises et Tartines
BFP #2: 9/29/12; EDD 6/8/2013; m/c 10/5/2012
BFP#3: 1/29/13; EDD 10/5/2013 - Baby Claire arrived 10/6/2013
Time for another baby!