Cloth Diapering

I'm new to the cloth diapering world :)

I just recently started cloth diapering with my 1 year old son.  I had intended on cloth diapering my entire pregnancy with him, but I just never had the money to invest in the diapers. Now I've finally started, but he's already a little toddler.

I'm having a second baby in Feb. The diapers I currently have are Fuzzibunz One Size, and I absolutely LOVE them with my son, but I don't know anything about cloth diapering with a newborn! 

If I'm going to go out and invest in some smaller diapers I'd like to do what I thought of AFTER I had my son, go out once a week and buy ONE diaper. By the time baby gets here, I'll have 20! But, my son was almost 10 lbs when he was born, so I'm really hesitant to go out and get even onesies in newborn size, let alone something that costs as much as some diapers do! 


I guess I'm just wondering what all of you have done with your newborns. Just how small do the One size diapers fit?? I don't know anybody with a newborn, so I can't even try one on a friend's baby.

Re: I'm new to the cloth diapering world :)

  • I got my FBOSE... to  fit my LO at 6 pounds... I am also in that debate of what I will do for my next LO... but we aren't going to TTC until next October... LO will be 15 mo by then... so almost out of diapers... So I'm thinking of cloth pull ups... so thats another option... its hard to do FBOSE with two kids... or so I would think... 
  • If you are okay with using prefolds you can use them later on in covers as well. :)

    Or if you do not mind buying used. I got a NB stash, and everything but NB workhorse fitteds and 12 prefolds were bought used either on craigslist or diaperswappers.

    Especially with the nb phase they outgrow them fast so if you buy used on diaperswapper you can probably resale it for about the same you purchased it for. I was able to get a steal on a swaddlebees NB for $10 and 6 XS Bumgenius in EUC for $40.
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  • I think FBOSEs fit earlier than say a BG or Kawaii. You might want to look into the Kawaii Pure & Natural pocket diaper, though, if you are concerned about OS not fitting right away, but not getting your money's worth from NBs. It fits from 6-22 lbs, so it runs smaller than a true OS, but should still fit for a few months. And they are less than half the price of FB.

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  • Ditto PPs suggestion of Kawaii Pure and naturals, especially since you will have two in diapers...   They will last longer than prefolds/ don't want to spend more money on OS diapers because you don't have enough for two.  They fit DD at 6 lbs and still do at 4 months (10 lbs) but I expect they will fit her for a while yet.  They are 6.25 each and they have sales often where you can buy a bundle and get 13 for the price of 12.


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  • Another vote for the Kawaii p&n, they are supposed to fit to 22 pounds!
  • imagetheresat858:
    My DD fit ok in the FB OS by the time she was 10lb-  around 5 weeks.  Honestly I hated prefolds and covers and will never attempt to use them again (I kinda wish someone had warned me away from them instead of everyone just recommending it) - they are bulky and don't wick moisture away like pockets do.  I love the Kawaii Pure & Natural and those should fit a newborn - aplix pockets that will fit from a small size until 20lbs or so - by which point your oldest should be out of diapers so your youngest can use the hand-me-down FB.


    I don't know if I want to count on him being potty trained by 20 lbs. My son was already 20 lbs at 6 months old, and I doubt my son will be potty trained by 25 months old when there's a newborn in the house :/

    Damn big baby genetics. I just want a teeny tiny baby!

  • I got my Fuzzibunz used, so I've got no problem with it. Just wondering what works best for everyone so I know what to look out for. 


    It looks like Kawaii has the vote! :) Lol I'll have to keep a look out.

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