Food Allergy

Milk allergy/intolerance and nightime cough?

Hey ladies. I have never posted on this particualr board before, but thought this would be a good place to start! I also admit that I have never lurked on here, so I apologize if this has been asked before.

DS is 2 and has had a cough for months it seems now, mostly at night. At first I chalked it up to allergies, or a cold, etc. However, it has lingered and lingered. And, he isnt showing any other signs of a cold, etc. We've tried everything such as honey, vicks, humidifier, elevating his mattress, etc. and nothing seems to help at all. I have been doing alot of research to try and pinpoint a cause b/c it only seems to happen at night, and he isnt full of snot so its not like its post nasal drip or anything. Eventually, I came across some info that pointed to a possible milk intolerance/allergy that can be the culprit for a constant nighttime cough. Have any of you run into this? Am I making this up? Is it a possibility? He always drinks milk right before bed while we read books, so I plan on cutting this out for a while to see what happens. However, he also doesnt show any other signs of having an allergy....just the cough. Maybe the milk is increasing his secretions too much?

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Re: Milk allergy/intolerance and nightime cough?

  • Its hard to say but I had a similar issue myself as a child and my pedi recommended I cut all milk after 3pm. Maybe you could try that to see if it helps?
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    BFP#1 on 02/14/09 BIRTH to Mason 6lb9oz on 10/12/09

    BFP#2 on 5/28/11 EDD 2/1/12 Natural M/C on 6/13/11

    BFP#3 on 1/20/12 EDD 9/30/12 Natural m/c on 1/27/12

    BFP#4 on 4/23/12 BIRTH to Isabella 7lb1oz on 12/19/12

  • Maybe it's reflux?  I know DS2 and DS3 both had silent reflux which caused them nasal congestion and couging.  They never spit up, basically they were refluxing just up but not out and in the process it was swelling their nasal passages and burning their throats.  I would talk to your doctor about the possibility of reflux. 

    And FWIW DS3's reflux was also a symptom of his food intolerances, but you didn't describe any stool problems, ezceam, etc?  So I would just start with reflux.
    Rachel Mom to 3 boys Augustboy02 - Sensational Sensory Kid Decemberboy04 -former reflux baby Augustboy10 - MFPI baby
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