Hi ladies. I'm new to the bump and this board and though I would introduce myself. I'm Lori from Maryland and I'm 35. I married the love of my life last September and we are coming up on our 1 year anniversary. We've been ttc for about 6 months now with no such luck. I've recently started charting the last 2 months and I have to admit it has been somewhat of an adventure trying to figure it all out.
I must admit that i'm driving myself insane over this. I really am trying not too but it seems like every time I notice something different or twinge here or there I wonder "could I be". I know you ladies can relate. Is there any advice you can give me to try and stop the insanity?
My OB told me that due to my age that after 6 months I should make an appointment to see what we can do to help things along. Well i have an appointment on Tuesday. I'm guessing maybe she will suggest clomid. That's what friends are telling me.
Right now i'm 8 dpo and i'm having some symptoms but can't tell if its just pms or possibly more. I've been nauseous on and off, light headed on and off and tired. I seem to be so exhausted during my workouts the last few days I don't know how i finish them. I've been having bloating and pressure and cramps. I've had some pretty vivid dreams the last 2 days. My breast have been sore and painful to the point I had to take some tylenol to try and help. I don't want to get my hopes up but I don't know how to not wonder. I've heard of some women being actually bringing on symptoms because they want it so bad. I don't want to be one of them.
So anyway, I hope that I can be part of this group and learn and grow with you all. Thanks for taking the time to read to this.
Re: New here .... Intro
Thanks for the responses. I did notice after ready some post that the bump tracker is unreliable so I just opened an account with FertilityFriend.com.
I understand that all those symptoms can also be PMS that's why i'm afraid of driving myself crazy each month. I know its a hard road and I don't need to make it any harder. I had a friend go through 5 years of trying before she had her first and I know what she went through. Right now I keep reminding myself that don't get excited, don't run for a HPT until AF is late. It's just so hard sometime.