I know, I know, this a boring question and I think it's been asked/told before, but...I need some opinions.
My oh so adorable little 19 month old is into throwing everything. I haven't figured out how to stop her throwing toys (other than taking the toys away and giving her a stern no.) But, when she throws her food, fork or spoon, I've been getting her down from eating and telling her that she doesn't get to eat her food when she throws things. Am I being too harsh? I've heard that kids won't starve. But, I feel like this is the only way she will learn. Or is she too young?
Re: throwing food
When A throws her food I stop her and ask her if she is all done. We clap with glee if she says it back. Now she says "all deeee" and raises her arms in the air. If you don't hear her she starts launching food onto the floor.
Her signal for all done used to be throwing food. I don't think that you're too harsh. I think you're doing exactly what you should.