June 2011 Moms

Has anyone dealt with pneumonia in your LO?

Liam has had a runny nose and off and on cough for about 2 weeks now.  He ran a fever at daycare yesterday afternoon of 102.7, my husband took him to the dr. today who sent him for a chest xray, which showed pneumonia. 

His temperature has only been 99.2 today, and he's acting totally fine aside from the cough...even the doctor was surprised when he received the results, he really thought it would come back negative, he only sent him for the chest xray as a precaution.  They put him on ammoxicillan and told me to bring him in next week for a follow up.  Is that similar to your experience, if your little one has had this?  It just seems like such a scary word to hear Sad

The Blog - Parenting: Uncensored

Photos from Libby Hilf Photography


Jake - 1.15.08
Liam - 5.17.11

Re: Has anyone dealt with pneumonia in your LO?

  • Ash had it when he was probably about 5 months old. He didn't seem to be that sick, except that his cold lasted about 3 weeks and didn't clear up after 2 appointments with the Dr. Thats when they finally decided he had pnuemonia. It cleared up pretty quickly once they diagnosed it and got him on antibiotics.
  • Yeah, we had a similar situation last winter. The doctor ordered the x-ray just as a precaution, but it was positive. Lil was fine after a couple days of antibiotics.
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