Hello ladies, EDD is 5/6/13. My DD will be one on 9/22 so our LOs will be 19 months apart. I wanted them close together so I'm so thankful and excited but also freaking out a bit! I laid awake in bed last night just thinking, we need a double stroller, we need another carseat, we need another crib, we need a bigger place, we need to potty train the one year old right NOW haha
glad to be here and meet you all
Re: Headed for 2u2... excited & nervous!
I'm due in Feb, and my son turned 1 in July, so they'll be the same age difference. I'm freaking out a little bit too!
Okay a lot!
But I've done a TON of reading on the internet with other people's experience, and I've decided to invest in a baby carrier! So many people have talked about the wonders of it, and said how great it was to be able to care for the older baby while holding and snuggling the new baby (hands free!)
I'm excited to try it! And I'm excited for the closeness and the bond that people have talked about from babycarrying
Welcome and congrats!
Don't worry about potty training--it's overrated! Taking a 2 year old to a public bathroom with a 1 year old underfoot is not fun at all. LOL. At moments like that I miss 2 in diapers. Plus cleaning poop from a diaper is a lot nicer than when your toddler has diarrhea in their underwear. haha
Mine will be just shy of two years apart (so I barely belong here!), and she is not potty trained, in a crib, etc. I am not even going to worry about potty training until the new LO is here, and we have settled into a routine. She has not been ready, so why force it, and deal with regression? She's happy (and contained) in her crib. It converts to a toddler bed anyway, so DD2 has her own crib right now.