I like the feedback received on this board, so thought I would post here...
Has anyone done placenta encapsulation? If so, tthoughts or feedback? I had a close friend that did it a few months ago, and she said it worked wonders to boost energy, help heal body, etc. Just wondering if anyone here has experience with this. Thanks!
Re: Placenta Encapsulation
The aholes put it in formeldahyde before releasing it to me, rendering it useless. My husband actually cried when they handed him the bucket because he knew how much it meant to me. We still took it and we'll bury it somewhere eventually.
So having been there, don't let them take your placentas to pathology.
Almost all multiples deliver in the hospital and most hospitals do not release tissue back to the patient. So unless anyone on here has done it for a singleton, you will be hard pressed to find a yes. I've worked in five hospitals and none will let you have placenta back.
Of course it will boost erengy. It's equivalent to eating liver or any organ meat. It's stock full of red blood cells. I have heard it being used for PPD but do not have any personal experience with that.
Good luck!!!
My hospital tried to pull that "it's against our policy to give it back to you" B.S. on me. It was just that...B.S. Find someone in your area that does encapsulation and they should have a waiver you can sign and present to your hospital. I signed the waiver and made a couple empty threats about getting a lawyer and they handed it right over. It's not the hospital's place to refuse your request assuming you provide a statement saying you release them from liability.
As soon as I delivered my OB dropped it right in a ziploc bag and my mom put it on ice.
Good luck!
Dw wanted to but because she was a c-section and given medication we were told you can not do it as it changes the effect. Have a few friends who SWEAR by it. DW had baby blues pretty bad and wished she would have done it - I thought it was gross but i realize how bad BABY BLUES can be and I am all for it now ...
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