
Am I a bad mom? religion

Me and dh were both Raised Catholic and even got married in church. We got both of our kids baptized. My son is in first grade. I decided Not to enter him into religion classes at the catholic school. My husband didn't care either way so he was help help! We don't go to church anymore. Haven't really since we were married. We still believe in God but I'm just not so sure I believe everything that Catholics do. We still want our kids to learn about Jesus. So. I chose to enroll my kids in a class one evening a week where they will sing songs, play games, and learn about Jesus. It is non denominational. I just keep going back and forth on if my son should be in catholic religion classes. I feel like I'm being a bad mom if I don't send him to catholic classes. Anyone else in a similar situation? I want them to be able to decide what religion, if any, when they get older.

Re: Am I a bad mom? religion

  • I hope you're not.  We plan to raise DS without a prescribed religion.  So, if you're a bad mom, then I'm a terrible mom.

    If you want to raise your LO with the community and customs that come with church, then I would take him to an actual church.  But if you just want to teach him about basic concepts like morality, I think you could do that through example and discussion.  

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  • This doesn't make you a bad mother. 
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  • yes.


    No, I'm kidding. I don't see anything wrong with not sending your child to learn about a religion that you may no longer feel compatible with. I think non denominational is good so they can get an overall picture of God and spirituality without the burden of labeling yourself before you're ready. There's a Unitarian church where we just moved, I call it church lite. all of the God, none of the guilt. (lol, I know, blasphemy!) 

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  • There's that catholic guilt again! No, you're not a bad mom. You've decided on what you want to start their religious education to be about and that is about learning about Jesus. You guys might want to try different churches to find a church that works for you as a family. What about an episcopal church?
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  • Of course not. Plenty of people choose not to teach there children religion at all, and are in no way bad parents. On the flip side there are parents that force religion down their kids throat and it can be a good or bad thing.

    My oldest is in a non denominational church mdo program and it's perfect for us. It gives us a sense of community and a sense of God in a non judgmental way.
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  • No, you are not.

  • I'm atheist and simply don't give a shiiiiiit.  Must be the scum of the earth
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  • No, you are not a bad mom. I was raised Catholic but do not attend services anymore, not since I left my Church at home 9 years ago. And I struggle every day with my "Catholic guilt." Especially in regards to DD. At least you have made some steps in something that is important to you. 

    Religion, or lack there of, does NOT make a woman a poor mother.  


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  • I don't think your a bad mom either. In our house DH is Athiest and I'm Pagan. I will take my kids when they are a little older to experience my religion, but enforce that they experience other ones as well. When they get to be older they can choose for themselves what religion they want to be. DH doesn't really agree with me, but he thinks that I'm nuts for being spiritual. I told him that people like to be spiritual to give them a sense of faith and hope, people like having some higher power to help them through life. I just chose the non conventional one.

    I was raised this way as well. I have been to many churches, religious camps, and even got to participate in a Jewish sabbath once. I then chose what I thought fit me best. I think it's nice that your not following the minnows and forcing one religion on them. It's just a class, they or you will not go to hell for not taking a class.

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  • Thanks for all of the replies!
  • imageDeblondie1:
    No, you are not a bad mom. I was raised Catholic but do not attend services anymore, not since I left my Church at home 9 years ago. And I struggle every day with my "Catholic guilt." Especially in regards to DD. At least you have made some steps in something that is important to you.nbsp;Religion, or lack there of, does NOT make a woman a poor mother. nbsp;

    If you don't mind me asking, do you know what you will do with our DD as far as religion? I ask because you, like me, we raised catholic.
  • imageSweetpea522:
    No, you are not a bad mom. I was raised Catholic but do not attend services anymore, not since I left my Church at home 9 years ago. And I struggle every day with my "Catholic guilt." Especially in regards to DD. At least you have made some steps in something that is important to you.nbsp;Religion, or lack there of, does NOT make a woman a poor mother. nbsp;
    If you don't mind me asking, do you know what you will do with our DD as far as religion? I ask because you, like me, we raised catholic.

    Right now I am still in the questioning phase. Last month, I wanted to join a church and start us on the process of having her Baptized. This month I am undecided again because there ARE tenants of the Catholic faith I disagree with. 

    In my heart, I feel that in the end I will raise her Catholic. And then when she is of age, most likely around the time she would be Confirmed, I will let her make her decision.  That's what Confirmation is about after all. 

    I hope that helps.  


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  • imageDeblondie1:

    No, you are not a bad mom. I was raised Catholic but do not attend services anymore, not since I left my Church at home 9 years ago. And I struggle every day with my "Catholic guilt." Especially in regards to DD. At least you have made some steps in something that is important to you.nbsp;Religion, or lack there of, does NOT make a woman a poor mother. nbsp;

    If you don't mind me asking, do you know what you will do with our DD as far as religion? I ask because you, like me, we raised catholic.

    Right now I am still in the questioning phase. Last month, I wanted to join a church and start us on the process of having her Baptized. This month I am undecided again because there ARE tenants of the Catholic faith I disagree with. 

    In my heart, I feel that in the end I will raise her Catholic. And then when she is of age, most likely around the time she would be Confirmed, I will let her make her decision.  That's what Confirmation is about after all. 

    I hope that helps.  

    Thank you! I'm still debating on whether I should have my son make his first communion next year when he's in second grade. I never really knew that was what confirmation is all about. I never really thought about religion until I became an adult even though I made all of my sacraments.
  • I think you do whatever makes you comfortable.  I feel pretty similar to you as well.  I would like DD to learn Bible stories, but I'm not a big fan of organized religion. 
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  • Hi!  Orthodox Jew here!  I plan to raise DD with tons of religion.  That said, I don't think you're a bad mom for not doing so.  Religiously, everyone has to raise their children in a way that is right for THEM and THEIR family.  It doesn't matter whether you raise your kids with a little religion, no religion, or tons of religion when it comes to their development.  What matters is that you and your husband are on the same page, whatever page that is.   

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