April 2012 Moms

S/O Nipple Shield

For those still using a shield, which kind do you use?  One of the reason I EP is that I hated using a shield.  My kid was tiny (6lb, 6oz) and my boobs were huge (34I), plus I swear she had eight arms at that time, so it was an major wrestling match trying to wrestle her and position my huge boob.  Keeping the shield on at the same time was so frustrating it brought me to tears, so I decided to just EP.  Perhaps I just needed to try a different shield.

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Re: S/O Nipple Shield

  • I use the Medela and it took some work to get LO latched on. I still mostly pump, because of low supply, but when he does nurse I've been able to learn how to keep it on. Wait until your LO is happy--not super hungry. Hold it on with 2 fingers while you get her situated. It should stay on after she latches. You can also try wetting the inside, like a suction cup. I also learned that LO only likes certain holds, so what I thought was him wiggling because he didn't want to nurse was in part because he was uncomfortable. Good luck!
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  • I use the medela size small 20mm. She pops on and off while nursing because she likes to he annoying and the shield usually stays on. She will not latch without it.
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