
Michael Clark Duncan is dead


I loved him as an actor.

And, is it awful that my first thought was that dating Omorrosa is what killed him?

Stay at home mom to a house of boys: two amazing stepsons, 12 and 9, and our 4 year old.

Re: Michael Clark Duncan is dead

  • I was very sad when they canceled the Finder, He made that show. He was so very young.
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  • So, so sad. I enjoyed him as an actor. And he was so young!

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  • (Lol about omarosa.). That is so sad.  Boo.
  • Aww super sad :(
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  • Just saw that, I love him! So sad :(
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  • White HOUSE!

    Did you know that in Armageddon, the demands that were asked of NASA before the crew set off to the meteor were actually chosen from a list written by each actor? 
  • imageKlondikeBar:

    White HOUSE!

    Did you know that in Armageddon, the demands that were asked of NASA before the crew set off to the meteor were actually chosen from a list written by each actor?


    Now I love that scene even more.

    Stay at home mom to a house of boys: two amazing stepsons, 12 and 9, and our 4 year old.
  • imageJ&A2008:


    I loved him as an actor.

    And, is it awful that my first thought was that dating Omorrosa is what killed him?

    Yes, that is awful but funny.

    RIP Sad

  • So sad. Earlier this year, DH and I were watching The Finder and MCD's character gave a little girl a present and then smiled SO BIG when she opened was the sweetest smile I've ever seen and with my pregnancy hormones and all I just burst into tears because he was so sweet. He was one of my favorite actors.  Sad

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