
50 Shades...

...anyone else still enjoying the series? Someone just put out and "unofficial trailer" with the characters they have cast for the was good to see them next to each other, not very well made and really mashed up, but it gives you an idea!


I am re-reading the series again for the 3rd time... Yes

Re: 50 Shades...

  • I have all three books on my Kindle, need to re-read them.
    Image and video hosting by TinyPic Lilypie Pregnancy tickers image Mom to 4, pregnant with 2
  • I just can't bring myself to read them. I'm a total literature snob.

    This is my siggy. Love it.

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  • imageVenus04d:
    I just can't bring myself to read them. I'm a total literature snob.

    I hated them. The language and writing were AWFUL, and I swear if I never hear the term "inner goddess" again it'll be too soon. Plus, knowing going into it that the books had originally been written with the Twilight characters as fan fiction just ruined it because the parallels were so obvious.  

  • imagemejane123:

    I just can't bring myself to read them. I'm a total literature snob.

    I hated them. The language and writing were AWFUL, and I swear if I never hear the term "inner goddess" again it'll be too soon. Plus, knowing going into it that the books had originally been written with the Twilight characters as fan fiction just ruined it because the parallels were so obvious.  

    I didn't know that about the Twilight connection. Now, I'm super uninterested. 

    This is my siggy. Love it.

  • imageVenus04d:
    I just can't bring myself to read them. I'm a total literature snob.

    The books are best skimmed through while reading for the plot line. I found myself interested in what was going to happen next, but I didn't want to read all the extra words the author put on the page.

    Annalise Marie 05.29.06
    Charlotte Ella 07.16.10
    Emmeline Grace 03.27.13
  • I read the first one don't judge me Venus because my book club was reading it.

    Read it and could barely get through it. I did finally finish but had no desire at all to read the 2nd or 3rd.

    I also knew about the Twilight parallel and that irritated me a lot, but really nothing about the book was good. The sex scenes weren't sexy, the characters were annoying.

    I just don't get it.

    Oh and I will not see the movie.
  • Honestly I didn't enjoy them at all.  He was abused and grew up to be fuucked up.  It made me sad.  The only part of the stories I liked, was the end, when he was healthier.  And the bad. 
    Asher Benjamin and Lola Aisling

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    Lola Aisling  May 2014
  • imagemejane123:

    I just can't bring myself to read them. I'm a total literature snob.

    I hated them. The language and writing were AWFUL, and I swear if I never hear the term "inner goddess" again it'll be too soon. Plus, knowing going into it that the books had originally been written with the Twilight characters as fan fiction just ruined it because the parallels were so obvious.  

    This. Ugh. Not only did the author have to rip off her characters from another book, but she ripped off one dimensional characters from a terribly written YA series. 

    Annelise 3.22.2007 Norah 10.24.2009 Amelia 8.7.2011
  • I agree with PP's...the first one was so terrible I couldn't even think about reading the other two. Even on the first one I just found myself skipping whole pages because it was so redundant and I hated the writing style. Also, I'm so sick of all this "50's shades baby" talk ew. people are actually considering naming their baby's "Christian" or "Anastasia" ew. why!??!???????
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  • imageKarschingham:
    I agree with PP's...the first one was so terrible I couldn't even think about reading the other two. Even on the first one I just found myself skipping whole pages because it was so redundant and I hated the writing style. Also, I'm so sick of all this "50's shades baby" talk ew. people are actually considering naming their baby's "Christian" or "Anastasia" ew. why!??!???????

    I have a FB friend and her step kids are named Christian and Anastasia. They are 10 and 9 so hopefully they won't have to deal with anyone thinking they have 50 Shades Names.

    I couldn't even read the first couple of pages and I even tried skimming the book and it was horrible.
  • So who did they cast for the movie?




  • imageVenus04d:

    I just can't bring myself to read them. I'm a total literature snob.

    I hated them. The language and writing were AWFUL, and I swear if I never hear the term "inner goddess" again it'll be too soon. Plus, knowing going into it that the books had originally been written with the Twilight characters as fan fiction just ruined it because the parallels were so obvious.  

    I didn't know that about the Twilight connection. Now, I'm super uninterested. 

    What's the connection between the books and Twilight?  

    Image and video hosting by TinyPic Lilypie Pregnancy tickers image Mom to 4, pregnant with 2
  • Always in danger
    Overly protective males
    Girls have issues with guys buying them things
    Guy?s first girlfriend
    Family is so happy the guys found someone
    Characters from totally different worlds and backgrounds
    Guys never sleep. Girls sleep a lot
    Confession of marriage comes at surprising time
    Boat during honeymoon
    Pregnancy is unwanted by guy
    Girls have ?soulful? eyes
    Guys are predators, girl prey
    Guys warn girl to stay away, that they are dangerous or not for them
    Girls were virgin
    Guys can?t cook
    Girls almost die in labor
    A meadow
    Guys play piano exceptionally well
    Girls transition from uncoordinated to graceful
    Guys hot headed and jealous
    Guys read minds: one literal, one metaphorical
    Guys are car lovers
    Car lovers with thought of safety in a car for girl
    Guys leave girls speechless
    Girls are said to be ?born old?
    Similar conversations
    Taken place in Washington
    Fathers are ?taciturn? and live in Washington
    Mothers live in the southeast
    Dads love fishing
    Guys ask dads for permission to marry
    The similarities are endless?
    Asher Benjamin and Lola Aisling

    PCOS, Progesterone Deficiency Disorder, Multiple Miscarriage
    Clomid, Metformin, Ovadril, PIO, P17 Iron/Platlet Tranfusion

    My Spring Babies! 
    <3 Angel Baby   Elisabeth Adelle  April 2008 <3
    Asher Benjamin  April 2010
    Lola Aisling  May 2014
  • I couldn't get the whole way through the second book, they were the worst books I've ever read. "Oh my!"
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    I'm not sure if that will be clicky. I didn't notice the similarities, but since you pointed them out and I see them...I don't mind at all. Oh well, people have preferences on the plot lines they like to read. I see myself with a lot of the same personality trait both Ana and Bella have (being uncomfortable around strong men, uncomfortable accepting gifts etc..) I hope that doesn't tant my strong woman ness...also the idea of the SMBD culture has always interested me, and this just re-afirmed my feelings that it can be hot. :) I stand by the series, but I'm not a book nut anymore...

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