Like the battery died forever? If so tell me about it's death. I'm pretty sure mine is about to kick the bucket for good and I am so bummed. Less than 21 days the predicted release of the new one. I backed up my photos 2 weeks ago but I don't know if my contacts were backed up. DH actually does it for me.
I think I would rather go without a phone for awhile then by a new-old one. But I don't know if I could do it...I feel like with 2 kids I should have one while driving. I know generations survived without cell phones but it would be hard.
Re: Anyone's IPhone completely died?
Can you find someone who has an old one you can use for a while? I can probably mail you one that we have in a drawer somewhere! I'd find ANY old att/verizon/whatever phone you can find, activate it for a few weeks, and then get the iphone 5.
I am one of the crazies that stays up all night long to pre-order so I'll certainly be getting the new one.
Gah, I'm pretty sure it is a goner. Wahhhh :-( I guess DH does have an old one...I thought he lost it but it just has a bad crack which is fine. I never uploaded my stuff to the cloud because my data file was so large. I'm lucky we backed up when we did and that I text most of the pics I take of the girls to DH.
Thanks though to offer look for an old one. I appreciate that! :-) it is my main source of late night Bumping.
I will be racing you online for a 5 Trudy. I went out really early to check out the line for a 4 and promptly turned around and went back to bed. I am not that hard core.
Please don't tell me this! Dh and I both just bought new 4s about 3 weeks ago. We needed them though. Our 3Gs were dying, his microphone was cutting in and out and I got breastmilk in the earpiece so I could barely hear.
Oh no! The new one is supposed to be out soon, sorry!!