April 2012 Moms

I am so side eyeing this hospital

My friend had a baby on Thursday. She had a c/s and was supposed to go home today, but do to the baby not gaining the weight back as quickly as they want they are keeping them another night. They also pushed her to give formula because her milk just came in today. I am pretty sure this is normal. They told her that her c/s cause the delay in her milk coming in. What?!?!
i wish i could be joking but my dad is the music teacher at a church so he owuld be mad. we had sex, all the time how bad i know but we dont want to wait and he said GREAT OH KAY! and I was really feeling the wets? down there- too embarsed to say- but he acted like man.

Re: I am so side eyeing this hospital

  • That actually is true.

    I was told by my ob after my c/s not to be surprised if my milk doesn't come in until a week plus because of the operation. Apparently during a vaginal birth certain hormones are produced which tells your body to make the milk. In a c that is not the case. 

    Thankfully my milk came in after only 4 days and I was not pushed into using formula but the hospital is right in their reasoning.  

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  • I had never heard that, but her milk came in after 3 days so them telling her it was delayed by the c/s seems a tad overreactive.
    i wish i could be joking but my dad is the music teacher at a church so he owuld be mad. we had sex, all the time how bad i know but we dont want to wait and he said GREAT OH KAY! and I was really feeling the wets? down there- too embarsed to say- but he acted like man.
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  • Yeah, that is dumb on their part. They probably just thought it would be late because it can happen with a c but it certainly does not happen with everyone. 
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  • There's a cascade of hormones in a vaginal birth that stimulates milk production. It's true. We were planning to breastfeed, but had to supplement Etta on day 1 of life because her blood sugar got dangerously low. It didn't cause problems, and I had decent milk by day 4 when I crashed. I asked to stay after day 3, though, because I was still in terrible pain and wanted another day with the nurses and the LC taking care of us. Thank God I did, or I would have been home when I crashed.


    Etta Jane and Claire Elaine are here! Born March 28, 2012.

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  • I've never heard that either, but my milk didn't come in until DD was 2 1/2 weeks old.  Not sure what was going on with my body, but I'm really glad I had planned on FF.
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  • I don't think mine came in until day 4, and I had a vaginal birth.

    eta: oh yeah, and J didn't get back to her birth weight until day 10. I thought they just had to gain it back in the first two weeks.

  • Side eye away.  My hospital pulled that sh!t with me.  The weight gain they base it on is FF babies, not BF babies.  Also, babies can come out waterlogged from the mom having IV fluids, so the weight loss is exaggerated.

  • imagegisa886:
    I had never heard that, but her milk came in after 3 days so them telling her it was delayed by the c/s seems a tad overreactive.


    I completely agree....damn, give the girl a chance! They should be doing the opposite and encouraging her to BF because it sounds like her LO could really use it.

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  • A c section can delay your milk coming in but 3 days is not what I would consider delayed! I heard up to 5 days for c section.
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  • Oh gosh I have no idea it was such a blur. I was a c section and I know my milk came in when I was still in the hospital but not sure what day.
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  • My milk didn't come in until DD was 4-5 days old and I had a vaginal birth, I think up to a week is normal. With DS it was less than 48 hours lol. He also nursed way better than her and we didn't need a shield, that helped.
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  • I was scared of my milk being delayed because I had to have a cs but it wasn't. I think maybe since I labored and pushed for so many hours maybe.
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  • That is true particularly with emergency csections. I had no issues with my milk as it came in on day 2 but I was warned it could take awhile.
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  • I just have to agree with the others that a c-section can indeed delay your milk 'coming in' although hers coming in fully at day 3 isn't delayed at all. 
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  • I was worried my milk wouldn't come in since I have PCOS, low thyroid, AND I had a c/s. But, it started coming in on day 3 and I was a leaky mess by day 5. I don't see why they should push formula. DD technicaly lost almost a pound. We went for weight checks every 2 days for a week because she wasn't gaining very quickly. But now it's evident that she just has a rocking metabolism. She's a skinny mini, but boy can she eat! I'm glad they didn't try and push formula on us.
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  • With my first which was a c-section my milk came in on day 5 and I had been nursing every 2 hours the entire time. She lost a pound and they would have kept us from leaving had I not been able to get a few good feeds in before discharge. With my VBAC it took about 24 hours until I was engorged and she was above birth weight by 36 hours.  

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  • Is it weird that I have no idea when my milk came in? I know it was in on day five bc we did a weighed feeding, but it wasn't like I felt it come in, or noticed a change.
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  • imageSunshine+Luv:
    Is it weird that I have no idea when my milk came in? I know it was in on day five bc we did a weighed feeding, but it wasn't like I felt it come in, or noticed a change.

    Oh man , I woke up one morning like 2 cup sizes bigger. lol. And leaking. I was like "uh.. I guess my milk came in. :-/"

  • imageTambcat:

    Is it weird that I have no idea when my milk came in? I know it was in on day five bc we did a weighed feeding, but it wasn't like I felt it come in, or noticed a change.

    Oh man , I woke up one morning like 2 cup sizes bigger. lol. And leaking. I was like "uh.. I guess my milk came in. :-/"

    Haha. Well, I am thankful that didn't happen to me, pregnancy gave me two extra cup sizes, that is plenty! I can barely find shirts as it is. 

    imageBaby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • A c/s can contribute to a delay in milk, but it's ok for babies to have only colostrum for 5 whole days. Unless the baby is really not doing well, they need to back the f*ck off and let her boobs do their thing. Keeping the baby away from the breast more by feeding him with a bottle is only going to slow her production.
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  • My milk didn't come in for 6 days !  it was so discouraging.
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  • My milk didn't come in until day 5 I had a vaginal delivery. My doctors weren't concerned, and encouraged me to continue nursing as much as possible until it came in
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  • imageTambcat:

    I don't think mine came in until day 4, and I had a vaginal birth.

    eta: oh yeah, and J didn't get back to her birth weight until day 10. I thought they just had to gain it back in the first two weeks.


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  • imageTambcat:

    I don't think mine came in until day 4, and I had a vaginal birth.

    eta: oh yeah, and J didn't get back to her birth weight until day 10. I thought they just had to gain it back in the first two weeks.


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  • To be honest I really don't remember. I had a vaginal birth but it was slow goings with DD because she wouldn't latch until day 5 and I had been pumping. But I never remember pumping more than an ounce for that first week.
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  • I had a vaginal birth and my milk didn't come in until day 5. On day 4 she had her first pedi appointment and because she had lost 10 percent of her body weight he gave me formula and told me I should give it to her. I left in tears thinking there was something wrong with me :( I was nursing her anyway round the clock and she still lost so much weight.

    I talked to a friend who is a LC about it and the RN who did a home visit, and both said do not give her the formula, 4 days is not a long time. So I didn't. The next day my milk came in. Day 7 we did a before and after feeding at the pedis, he was looking for 1.5 to 2 oz gained and she gained 3 so he was then satisfied. Even at 2 weeks she wasn't quite back to birth weight but then it picked up quickly and between 1 month and 2 she gained 3lbs!


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  • imageMamasaurus:
    A c/s can contribute to a delay in milk, but it's ok for babies to have only colostrum for 5 whole days. Unless the baby is really not doing well, they need to back the f*ck off and let her boobs do their thing. Keeping the baby away from the breast more by feeding him with a bottle is only going to slow her production.


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  • imagetiannalee:

    A c/s can contribute to a delay in milk, but it's ok for babies to have only colostrum for 5 whole days. Unless the baby is really not doing well, they need to back the f*ck off and let her boobs do their thing. Keeping the baby away from the breast more by feeding him with a bottle is only going to slow her production.


    Yep I totally agree. If the baby is listless or seems sick or something that is different. Mine was totally fine in every other way but weight yet the first reaction by doctor is formula on day 4. Thankfully I had others to consult and support me, but I see now why so many introduce formula so early and then the supply gets messed up from the get go. Doctors must know best right? 

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  • imagelaurack:

    A c/s can contribute to a delay in milk, but it's ok for babies to have only colostrum for 5 whole days. Unless the baby is really not doing well, they need to back the f*ck off and let her boobs do their thing. Keeping the baby away from the breast more by feeding him with a bottle is only going to slow her production.


    Yep I totally agree. If the baby is listless or seems sick or something that is different. Mine was totally fine in every other way but weight yet the first reaction by doctor is formula on day 4. Thankfully I had others to consult and support me, but I see now why so many introduce formula so early and then the supply gets messed up from the get go. Doctors must know best right? 

    This ended up happening to us, I supplemented about 4oz a day her first month of life because pedi thought she needed to gain the weight faster.
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