August 2011 Moms

****Native Floridian****

How are the newlyweds? I hope your big day was everything you had hoped for - and as drama free as a wedding can be :D


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Re: ****Native Floridian****

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    We're doing well!  The wedding was great and we got the ceremony we'd hoped to have thanks to one of hubby's good friends.  Now just reveling in the feeling of NOT having to worry about wedding stuff, lol!  I'm focusing all my energies on my family and growing the new baby.

    I'm really anxious to hear how things are on your end, too.  Come on, Wednesday! 

    // I love you too. //

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    Awww I'm so glad to hear it all went without a hitch :D

    Now come on, show us some PICTURES!!!! 

    AlternaTickers - Cool, free Web tickersimage
    imageAlternaTickers - Cool, free Web tickers
    Farewell, nesticle, you will be missed
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    Awww I'm so glad to hear it all went without a hitch :DNow come on, show us some PICTURES!!!!nbsp;

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