Cloth Diapering

Help! Diaper Cream on my CDs

I've been using Burt's Bees which I was told by my local Brick and Mortar store was safe for CDs. I've had no issues until we relocated and put DS in a new daycare. He had a slight rash and they used a TON of cream and it did not wash out!

What can I do to get the extra cream off my diapers? They are BG 4.0s. I do a prewash, hot wash, cold rinse plus an extra rinse and I use Allen's. I also tried soaking the CDs in hot water. TIA
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Re: Help! Diaper Cream on my CDs

  • Try scrubbing the area with some Dawn dish soap. Then do a few warm/hot rinses. GL!
    BFP #1: 3.28.11 Dx w/ PIH @ 24w DS Born @ 36w: 11.7.11 6 Days in NICU
    BFP #2: 8.31.16 Dx w/ GD @ 28w DD Born @ 36w: 4.21.17

  • Get a hand brush (type you use to wash your hands and fingernails), wet them down, get blue dawn pour it on there straight and scrub away.  Then turn them inside out and do the same exact thing.  rinse rinse rinse in the kitchen sink then wash in washer with Tide Ultra HE original or Charlies Soap in hot.  Then do a regular wash with your regular detergent with an extra two or so rinses thrown in for good measure.  That was the only thing that worked when I had something similar happen - the Charlies and Tide are both EXCELLENT detergents at getting grease/oil stains out.  Charlies was originally formulate to clean oil lubricant off of machines.
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  • Use something like an old toothbrush and scrub it with dawn. Rinse well. Then wash in your normal CD safe detergent and make sure all the bubbles rinse out.
    Jenn & Jason
    September 27, 2008
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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