
I miss BF'ing

DD weaned around 14 months. I had to push day-time weaning before 11 months because I was going back to work, but bed-time and early morning weaning, she did herself. Nightime- she just wasn't interested. She wanted to sit up to read a book and then go straight to crib. Mornings- she suddenly started sleeping 'in' until I had to get her up for daycare, and I wasn't about to wake her 15-20 minutes early to nurse and DD didn't protest. At the time I was ready. But from time to time I miss that connection. I always thought I would bf to 18 months or so and now I'm regretting I didn't. Gah. A crazy part of my brain is wondering if I can start it up again. Maybe I'll do things differently with the next. I don't know if there's any point to this post, I just wanted to tell someone I wish I was still bf'ing DD.


bfp#4 3/19/2014 edd 12/1/2014 please let this be the one!

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Re: I miss BF'ing

  • Aw, you did a great job mama! Be proud of the 14 months. 
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  • That is so weird, DS weaned basically the same exact way, and I was thinking about it the other day that I sorta miss it too. I always thought I would still be BFing and maybe starting to wean around now, with #2 on the way, but instead it just sort of ended around 13-14 months. I am happy I did it for as long as I did, but I do miss it too. You are not alone!
    A woman's life is nine parts mess to one part magic, you'll learn that soon enough...and the parts that look like magic turn out to be the messiest of all.
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  • Well so much for that. I just went and got her out of her crib just to cuddle for a little bit and she stirred after a few minutes and sat up and looked at her books and said "I want that" (you know, in that whinny toddler tone) and I said "shhh no, sleepy time" so she turned to look and point at her crib and said "I want that" and I asked "you want to go in you crib?" and she said yeah. So I put her down and left :( . Kids grow up too fast.


    bfp#4 3/19/2014 edd 12/1/2014 please let this be the one!

    beta @ 5w0d = 12,026! u/s 4/22/14 @ 8w1d it's twins!

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

  • imageRayRay007:
    Well so much for that. I just went and got her out of her crib just to cuddle for a little bit and she stirred after a few minutes and sat up and looked at her books and said "I want that" (you know, in that whinny toddler tone) and I said "shhh no, sleepy time" so she turned to look and point at her crib and said "I want that" and I asked "you want to go in you crib?" and she said yeah. So I put her down and left :( . Kids grow up too fast.

    Aww :( I know, its rough sometimes. E is really not very affectionate anymore, and it makes me sad. I think he is just getting to the really independent stage, which is fun, and I have a blast watching him figure stuff out on his own. I try to think about it like this: he is so secure with me (and DH) that he doesn't need to cling to us. He knows that we love him so much and so he feels safe to do his own thing. I may just be telling myself this to feel better, but still. Haha. They do grow up way too fast.

    A woman's life is nine parts mess to one part magic, you'll learn that soon enough...and the parts that look like magic turn out to be the messiest of all.
  • I know what you mean. I can't offer anything but my sympathy.

    I actually nursed DS longer than I thought I would, and it was a struggle to get him to wean at 2yrs 4months. He has been weaned now for 5 months, and he still pulls down my shirt to lay his cheek against my chest, and when he's half asleep he reaches down my shirt for comfort (which is strange, to say the least). He talks about nursing and how there's "no more milk." The problem with DS though is that he did love it so much, I was worried I would never wean him. Now that I have, though, I think I miss it as much as he does :(

    On the other hand, I look at him now and he's so grown up to me, I can't imagine still nursing an almost 3 year old. I think that if I have more kids, I'll probably do extended BF again. It's really easy to miss that bond.

  • Thanks for posting. I've been struggling with weaning and need to remind myself that I'll miss it one day. DD nurses up to 12 times a day! More now than a few months ago due to teething pain. I can distract her out in public, but not at home. I felt ready to wean, but looks like she's not.
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                               photo photosig3_zps92919c91.jpg Just said good bye Sept. 19th (MMC at 12 weeks)
  • DD1 weaned herself at 14 mos. I weaned DD2 at 26 months....she would still be nursing if I hadn't, but at that point I was ready to be done-her latch wasn't very good anymore and I was getting mostly teeth so it was painful. I still miss it though.
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  • imageSpooko:
    Honestly, this is one of my biggest fears currently. I'm not happy to read this. :(

    The missing doesn't last forever.  Kiddo self weaned at 15 months, and I was kind of disappointed at first, and missed that way to instantly comfort her, but the freedom of having my body back was definitely a bonus.

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