I am looking to get some prefolds to use as doublers/ extra absorbancy in my BG AIOs and my flips. What size would you get for this? I don't understand what is the difference between the infant, regular, toddler, premium, and newborn, nor do I get how they can all be 4x6x4 or 4x8x4
"There is more to us than we know. Perhaps, if we are made to see it just once, for the rest of our lives we will be unwilling to settle for less." - Kurt Hahn, Founder of Outward Bound

Re: What size Indian Cotton Prefolds for using as insert?
The different sizes are for different weight ranges. Depending on what brand you're getting, newborn is for 6-15lbs, infant is 15-30lbs, regular is 11-22, and toddler is 30+. Not sure about premium. the 4x6x4 and 4x8x4 is how thick the layers are. For example, the 4x6x4 has 4 layers on the two sides and 6 layers in the middle. If you want something more absorbant, go for the 4x8x4.
If you're planning to use them on inserts on a newborn, definately get the newborn prefolds. A trifolded infant or regular is going to be very bulky at first. Until you need more absorbancy, they should last you a while.