Lurking, but I thought I'd offer some information.
AF returned when DD1 was 6 months old. I think introducing solids was a big part of that. I got pregnant with DD2 when she was 10 months old. I nursed DD1 til she self-weaned at 13 months.
It's rare for AF to return after 3 months if you're nursing, and you definitely still have plenty of time for 2u2. If it was me, I'd nurse until 6 months (per the recommendation) and reassess the situation after that. If nursing is going well for you, getting a head start on 2u2 seems like a silly reason to drop it.
Re: (Untitled)
Lurking, but I thought I'd offer some information.
AF returned when DD1 was 6 months old. I think introducing solids was a big part of that. I got pregnant with DD2 when she was 10 months old. I nursed DD1 til she self-weaned at 13 months.
It's rare for AF to return after 3 months if you're nursing, and you definitely still have plenty of time for 2u2. If it was me, I'd nurse until 6 months (per the recommendation) and reassess the situation after that. If nursing is going well for you, getting a head start on 2u2 seems like a silly reason to drop it.