Baby Names

Dang DH throwin me for a loop!

DH and I have pretty much settled on names & I'm in love with the girls name we chose... Jaina May (May is the MN of both DHs grandmothers)

Back when we were making our lists, I had fought pretty hard for the name Danica.  I thought it was really pretty, and also spunky, and I thought Dan(n)i as a nickname was super cute.  He completely naysayed it.

During the time DH and I were losers and played a lot of Cityville on facebook, I created a bunch of fake FB profiles so that we could cheat.  I named one of them Danica OurLN.  This was probably about 3-4 months ago now.

DH just told me yesterday that ever since he saw that, he's been thinking now that he loves the name Danica, and would probably prefer it over Jaina, and didn't want to say anything before because his pride was at stake.  Now that I'm set on Jaina, I don't know if I could get back on board with Danica!  Damn him!! 

I guess this was more a vent than anything else.  I do still like the name Danica, but arrgh I love Jaina! lol  (and he does still like Jaina too, so it's not like he hates that name now)

SO what do you ladies think?  Jaina or Danica?

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