We've been busy enjoying what's left of summer. Back to school next week. I have 2 days of meetings and then we get kids on Thurs. D will be going to school 3 mornings a week this year and he starts on Sept 10. My MIL will be watching both boys those 3 days and taking D to school. They will be going to the same baby sitter we have been using for years the other 2 days.
We had a great summer. Lots of day trips. A family vacation to Hershy Park where we discovered D still loves roller coaster and A is not a ride person(but he does love chocolate!) It's been wonderful spending these past few weeks with them.
A is growing like a weed. His stats are almost identical to D's when D was 2! Yikes! He's going to be a big kid. He is a little trouble maker and keeps us on our toys ETA-oops meant TOES!!!. I am not looking forward to the day when he starts to really talk and starts plotting with his older brother.
It is so sweet to see my boys together. D is good with him and A adores his big brother.
A medical update on me-I don't need to see any of my drs until the end of Jan. I do need to lose weight. 50 is okay. 75 would be good and 100 would be ideal. So I joined a gym at the end of July. I've already lost 10 lbs. I have my 4th meeting with the trainer in 2 weeks and he's going to redo all my measurements. I hope I lost a few inches too.
How is everyone else doing?
Re: hi...haven't been around much lately
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