Baby Names

DH adamant about naming son after him

We are Team Green and have a girl's name picked out.  When it comes to boy's names however, DH will only say yes to his name for our potential son.  He brought this up when I was 5 months pregnant, even though he was open to the idea of other names before.  DH is a Junior, so our child would be a Third.  I don't like the fact that DH is one of 6 Joseph's on his side of the family.  Everyone has a nickname.  The one thing I have said from the beginning is that I don't like nichnames.   DH goes by Joe and I know if we have a boy, it will be Baby Joey, or Big Joe, Little Joe, etc.  I suggested we use Joseph as a middle name and he refused.  Anyone else's DH not open to any name suggestions?  I don't want a Baby Joey.  TIA. 
BFP #1 1/26/12 - M/C 2/3/12 @ 5w BFP #2 3/2/12 - EDD Nov. 7, 2012 Baby J born 11/14/2012 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Re: DH adamant about naming son after him

  • Sorry. I side with your husband on this one. I feel like if he feels so strongly about carrying on a family tradition than you should honor it. Would he do the same for you?

    But I do feel bad for you if you don't like the name. I would have a hard time in your shoes...but I do like the idea of baby Joey! ;) 

    BFP#1 due 3/5/2007 missed m/c at 10w, d&c 8/2006 BFP#2 DD 6/2007 BFP#3 DS 5/2009 BFP#4 due 4/8/12 m/c at 9w3d, after weeks of waiting for hcg to go down finally prescribed misoprosotol BFP#5 DUE 8/15/13 Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • I truly hate Jr, I, II, III etc but in this case I don't see a compromise other than calling your son by his middle name :(

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  • imagemummalove:

    Sorry. I side with your husband on this one. I feel like if he feels so strongly about carrying on a family tradition than you should honor it. Would he do the same for you?

    But I do feel bad for you if you don't like the name. I would have a hard time in your shoes...but I do like the idea of baby Joey! ;) 

    Yes, he would. I think I really don't like that there are so many Joe's just in our family.  I guess that's not a good enough reason not to name the baby Joseph.  I like Joey as a nickname for the baby, I just wish he could have a name that's hos own that's all. 
    BFP #1 1/26/12 - M/C 2/3/12 @ 5w BFP #2 3/2/12 - EDD Nov. 7, 2012 Baby J born 11/14/2012 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • image526SadieSadie:

    I truly hate Jr, I, II, III etc but in this case I don't see a compromise other than calling your son by his middle name :(

    I agree. The baby gets his last name, so I don't understand the need to have the same exact name as his father.  Let's hope for a gir l guess Smile
    BFP #1 1/26/12 - M/C 2/3/12 @ 5w BFP #2 3/2/12 - EDD Nov. 7, 2012 Baby J born 11/14/2012 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • You have to be gentle, yet firm. Tell him that both parents must consent to a child's name and that since you do not consent, he must let go of his insistence and embrace compromise. To insist on a name against your wishes is at best childish and at worst emotionally abusive. He must compromise.

    One tactic might be to emphasize how hurtful it is that he insists that your child be given three names from his family and none from yours (assuming the kids have his surname). How would he feel if the kids did not have his surname? Perhaps you could float the idea of accepting his first and middle name, but using your family's surname. If that doesn't feel right to him, he should be able to understand that his suggestion is not respectful to you.

  • I think that you shouldn't have to name your baby Joseph if you really dislike it. Baby is presumably getting your H's last name, right? So where is your contribution to the name?

    If he's refusing to even discuss any name but Joseph, that's pretty immature. It's a decision you should come to together. I think your suggestion of Joseph as the mn was a good compromise. What about suggesting the fn Joseph, but he will go by his middle name that you both agree on?

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  • I guess I'm in the minority here, but I think your LO should have a name that BOTH of you choose and like.  I'm all for family tradition and I love using family names, but I think you have to be happy with the name also.

    ETA:  Maybe I'm not in the minority here :)

    BFP 1/8/10, MC 1/15/10 | BFP 3/20/10, MC 6/24/10 | BFP 12/13/10...EDD 8/22/11...DD born 6/7/11 @ 29 weeks 1 day Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I can't tell for sure if you're against the junioring, or just the nickname Joey, but here are my thoughts.

    1. If you're against the junior, tell him so. It's both your child, and this nonsense about "my name or nothing" should not be allowed to fly. I assume he's not the only one making the call on other important decisions that affect both of you, so stand your ground.

    2. If you're okay with the junior and just don't want the nickname, you can enforce Joseph. It won't be as easy as with other names (especially around family), but if you stay firm and correct people politely, he won't be called Joe/Joey. I have a cousin named Anthony who has never, ever been Tony. It can be done. 

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  • Tough one.
    I hate Jr's and III's as well... I feel like it takes away from the unique identity of the child.  However, in this day & age, it's not like people will only refer to or think of him as Joe Jr.'s son.  He'll just be Joseph LN, except to your family, so it wouldn't be that big a deal.

    Now, having said that, I would never let my DH basically "make" me use a name that I really didn't want.  It's nice that he would do it for you if it was what you wanted... but then if you really don't want this name, then shouldn't he consider other options if that's what you want?  You should both compromise, not just one person or the other.

    Give it time, perhaps you'll come around on the name.  If you don't, tell DH that you really considered it, but that you just don't want the name.  Maybe by then he'll have changed his mind too?  Then you can use it for the middle name & choose a first name that you both really love.  It's both of your child, you should both love the name, not just one parent.

  • imageDaisyBlinks:
    I disagree with PPs. You don't have to name your son after your husband if you don't want to. He doesn't get sole naming rights just because his family started a stupid, self-serving tradition. Tell him that he needs to be open to other ideas. You're the mother, and you get a say whether he likes it or not. 

    Seriously! Where the hell did half the PP come from? I'm disappointed in women right now. 

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  • Thank you for the suggestions. I know it's confusing. I thought we both agreed on Dylan Stephen (after my father), but then he changed his mind, which is fine, but all of a sudden it doesn't seem to matter to him that I don't want a Joseph III.  He said it's the only name he likes that means something to him and he doesn't know why he should have to pick a name that means nothing to him.  I just don't really know what we are going to do if it's a boy. 
    BFP #1 1/26/12 - M/C 2/3/12 @ 5w BFP #2 3/2/12 - EDD Nov. 7, 2012 Baby J born 11/14/2012 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Do what a pp suggested and say that if he insists on Joseph III, you want your maiden name for baby's last name to honour your father. Surely then he'll be able to see how disrespectful it is to not allow you to honour your family. Parenting decisions, including choosing a name, are not made unilaterally.

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  • I'm in the minority because I love naming traditions and I especially love III's because I really dig the nicknames Tripp and Trey. 

    However, your DH should not be insisting on a name you don't love.  He should not be the only one with a say in this decision.

  • imagesunshine0210:
    Thank you for the suggestions. I know it's confusing. I thought we both agreed on Dylan Stephen (after my father), but then he changed his mind, which is fine, but all of a sudden it doesn't seem to matter to him that I don't want a Joseph III.  He said it's the only name he likes that means something to him and he doesn't know why he should have to pick a name that means nothing to him.  I just don't really know what we are going to do if it's a boy. 
    Do you think he's getting pressure from his parents to 'carry on the tradition' and that's why he's done this about face?  I'd ask him.  And if that is the case, I'd be asking  him why his parents feelings and opinions matter more than yours - the mother of the child.

    Keep talking to him. I'm w/ those who say that his stance isn't fair and what you wrote here - it's quite immature too.  You're the mom.  You get a say too.

    Honestly, I find junior's, etc self-serving also.  It's one thing to name a child after a family member in their honor (like you wanted to do for your father), it's another to think that you yourself are OH SO IMPORTANT that YOUR name must be carried on.

    And cripes- the fact that you want to honor your FATHER and he's acting like this?  Your DH isn't impressing me at all.

    "Beer is living proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy."
    ~Benjamin Franklin

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
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  • imageEastCoastBride:

    Thank you for the suggestions. I know it's confusing. I thought we both agreed on Dylan Stephen (after my father), but then he changed his mind, which is fine, but all of a sudden it doesn't seem to matter to him that I don't want a Joseph III.  He said it's the only name he likes that means something to him and he doesn't know why he should have to pick a name that means nothing to him.  I just don't really know what we are going to do if it's a boy. 
    Do you think he's getting pressure from his parents to 'carry on the tradition' and that's why he's done this about face?  I'd ask him.  And if that is the case, I'd be asking  him why his parents feelings and opinions matter more than yours - the mother of the child.

    Keep talking to him. I'm w/ those who say that his stance isn't fair and what you wrote here - it's quite immature too.  You're the mom.  You get a say too.

    Honestly, I find junior's, etc self-serving also.  It's one thing to name a child after a family member in their honor (like you wanted to do for your father), it's another to think that you yourself are OH SO IMPORTANT that YOUR name must be carried on.

    And cripes- the fact that you want to honor your FATHER and he's acting like this?  Your DH isn't impressing me at all.

    No need to be harsh.  We are discussing it and I appreciate the suggestions on how to approach the subject.  Both of our fathers passed away so we both have feelings about our father's names.  My DH doesn't need to impress you.
    BFP #1 1/26/12 - M/C 2/3/12 @ 5w BFP #2 3/2/12 - EDD Nov. 7, 2012 Baby J born 11/14/2012 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • imagesunshine0210:
    Thank you for the suggestions. I know it's confusing. I thought we both agreed on Dylan Stephen (after my father), but then he changed his mind, which is fine, but all of a sudden it doesn't seem to matter to him that I don't want a Joseph III.  He said it's the only name he likes that means something to him and he doesn't know why he should have to pick a name that means nothing to him.  I just don't really know what we are going to do if it's a boy. 

    What about Dylan Joseph or Stephen Joseph?  This way BOTH of you are using a name that "means something."  I don't buy the "he doesn't know why he should have to pick a name that means nothing to him" crap because essentially you would be picking a name that means nothing to your side of the family if you name him after DH.  I think your DH is being unfair about this.

    BFP 1/8/10, MC 1/15/10 | BFP 3/20/10, MC 6/24/10 | BFP 12/13/10...EDD 8/22/11...DD born 6/7/11 @ 29 weeks 1 day Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I think the idea of a Jr., third, etc. is outdated. I think in cases where it means alot to DH is great but I think YOU should LOVE the idea too. Most women on this board agree that you should equally love the name you choose for your child. Why should that be different in a case like this?

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  • imageLexiLupin:

    Thank you for the suggestions. I know it's confusing. I thought we both agreed on Dylan Stephen (after my father), but then he changed his mind, which is fine, but all of a sudden it doesn't seem to matter to him that I don't want a Joseph III.  He said it's the only name he likes that means something to him and he doesn't know why he should have to pick a name that means nothing to him.  I just don't really know what we are going to do if it's a boy. 

    Your DH is being a huge jerk- especially if he only started this nonsense when you were already 5 months pregnant. Sheesh. If it was something you'd agreed to before and were now wavering on, it would be one thing. But no, he doesn't get to change the rules at the last minute.

    How did you pick a girl name? If he thinks a boy name that isn't his own is meaningless, does that mean he doesn't care about what you're naming your LO if it's a girl? How utterly ridiculous does that sound? If you're using a family name for a girl, can you look at other family names for boys as a compromise? If you aren't using a girl family name, your husband is being a self-centered hypocrite, I'm sorry.

    Sorry, lol... my DH likes the idea of a jr (he's a Joseph also)- I told him way before we were TTC that I didn't like the idea (for a variety of reasons, one being that I'm generally not comfortable with family names and that I especially hate naming kids after yourself). He said okay, and we moved on. If he tried to pull this at 5 months, his life might be in danger from angry-pregnant-hormones. 


    Edit: read more carefully and see that you offered Joseph as a MN, and already planned on family names. This really seems the only acceptable compromise here, IMO, if he wants his name incorporated somehow.

    We picked Paige Elizabeth for a girl with Elizabeth after my grandmother and we agreed on that when I was 10 weeks along.  I appreciate all the suggestions and they included some good talking points that I hope can help get him to understand where I'm coming from.  Thanks for taking the time to respond.

    BFP #1 1/26/12 - M/C 2/3/12 @ 5w BFP #2 3/2/12 - EDD Nov. 7, 2012 Baby J born 11/14/2012 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I love family names and the special meaning.  I wanted to use my husband's first name, but not middle so DS1 isn't a junior, but has has a family name. 

    Can you compromise by using Joseph Steven or Steven Joseph, or a first name you both like with Joseph as the mn?  Dylan Joseph is cute too and DJ a great nn.

  • I will preface this by saying that I am quite biased when it comes to naming a child after either parent.  Being Jewish, I grew up learning that we do not name children after a living relative.  That said, I don't expect people to follow what my faith dictates.  

    My real issue with naming a child after a living parent is that I find it incredibly narcissistic.  Growing up, I hated calling many of my male friends' homes, asking for the friend, and being asked, "which one?"  In most families, the child already receives the father's surname.  I don't see why a child cannot be given a name all his/her own for a first name.

    I am taken aback by those who posted that you should do as your husband is dictating (and from your original post, it sounds as though he is dictating). You both had a part in creating your child; You both have a say in naming him/her.  No one gets to demand a name. 


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  • DH is Francis IV. Even before I got pregnant with DS1, it was implied that we would continue the tradition. I never let him believe that was a possibility. When I got pregnant, the pressure really started. When we found out it was a boy, that's pretty much all his family talked about. I made it clear there were two options: 1) name him Francis but call him by a middle name that we chose, or 2) give him the middle name Francis. In the end, DH did not want to call baby by his middle name, so we named him Ethan Francis. I'm not going to lie, I feel like a huge b!tch and his family makes me feel guilty a lot. I still would never name him Francis, but I wish I didn't have to be the bad guy in the situation. 

    This time DH thinks he should get 99% say in the name since I killed the tradition. I can't really argue with him since I still feel bad. 

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  • imageDaisyBlinks:
    I disagree with PPs. You don't have to name your son after your husband if you don't want to. He doesn't get sole naming rights just because his family started a stupid, self-serving tradition. Tell him that he needs to be open to other ideas. You're the mother, and you get a say whether he likes it or not. 

    This! I know it's obvious this is a tender subject for him, but just as you shouldn't say "I'm naming my child this name no discussion!" He shouldn't do that to you. I feel like that's wrong on so many levels.

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  • I think your compromise (Joseph as a mn) should be sufficient. I'm a firm believer that both parents get to decide the names of their children together. Sounds like you were being more than reasonable. And, let's be honest, he's a junior, not like number nine in an uninterrupted succession of Josephs.
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  • I'm not a fan of the whole Jr, II, III thing. I know way too many adult men who are still called Junior. Also, it can cause a ton of issues with identity - as in banks, credit, etc. I know of it happening to a III, his grandfather (the Sr) passed away and it screwed up stuff for him and his dad with the bank and a few credit card companies! Not to mention the problems they've encountered at the hospital, doctors offices, dentist and pharmacy (they all live in the same town). Social Security numbers only go so far in identifying someone. There was also the confusion of which one had passed when it came out as they usually didn't use the Sr, Jr, III when introducing themselves as they thought it was silly a lot of times. Maybe you can take that approach with him???
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  • imagestrawberrytree:
    I think that you shouldn't have to name your baby Joseph if you really dislike it. Baby is presumably getting your H's last name, right? So where is your contribution to the name? If he's refusing to even discuss any name but Joseph, that's pretty immature. It's a decision you should come to together. I think your suggestion of Joseph as the mn was a good compromise. What about suggesting the fn Joseph, but he will go by his middle name that you both agree on?

    I agree with all of this.  He needs to grow up. I also like the idea of going by his middle name if Joseph is his first name to go with tradition and he absolutely will NOT budge.  I know a few people who are Jr.'s that go by their middle names. 

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  • imageDaisyBlinks:
    I disagree with PPs. You don't have to name your son after your husband if you don't want to. He doesn't get sole naming rights just because his family started a stupid, self-serving tradition. Tell him that he needs to be open to other ideas. You're the mother, and you get a say whether he likes it or not. 

    All of this.  

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  • My husband absolutely 100% wants a little Ricky and I can do nothing to change his mind. However, my husband doesn't have a middle name and the baby will, so I don't think they are technically junior's. I am not 100% in love with my husband's name, but I can't seem to get him to budge, so baby Ricky it will be! Just try to understand it from your husband's perspective.
    BFP 7/16/12, Due 3/23/13, DS #1 born 3/13/13 BFP #2 8/10/14, CP 8/16/14 BFP #3 9/16/14
  • Naming of your child is 50/50. I don't care what kind of traditions your DH's side has, if you don't want to have a Baby Joey, then don't agree. I know I wouldn't.
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  • I think your husband is taking things to the extreme, but if it makes you feel a little better that you're not the only one in this boat, my husband also vocalized that because we were having a son, shouldn't he be the one who decides the name? Well, I nipped that in the bud super fast, and I think as soon as it came out of his mouth, he realized how crazy that logic was - i.e., he realized that he would not abdicate naming authority to me for a girl so why would he expect me to do so for a boy? It was a brief moment of insanity in our many months of trying to decide a name, and we ultimately found a great compromise name.  You're doing a good job leading down the path of compromise with suggesting Joseph as a middle name.  Hopefully, your husband will come around. If he won't, you just have to decide how much you're willing to live with Joseph as a FN for the sake wanting your husband to be happy. I would just be worried that this "dicating" mentality could spill over into other areas, and that is not healthy at all.
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  • imageDaisyBlinks:
    I disagree with PPs. You don't have to name your son after your husband if you don't want to. He doesn't get sole naming rights just because his family started a stupid, self-serving tradition. Tell him that he needs to be open to other ideas. You're the mother, and you get a say whether he likes it or not. 

    For real. This topic comes up regularly, and makes me super mad. If they want more Joes, they should reproduce with each other.

    It is completely inappropriate for your husband to insist on one name; you made this baby together and you get to name him/her together. It sounds like it's time to tell him that baby's name is NOT going to be Joseph, and that you'd appreciate it if he'd start brainstorming names with you.

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  • Some of these responses make me want to bang my head on my desk.

    This is her baby as well and she should be able to nix a name regardless of how much he wants it. Throwing a temper tantrum doesnt mean she should give in.

    How about HE listens to HER perspective.

  • imagemagsugar13:

    Some of these responses make me want to bang my head on my desk.

    This is her baby as well and she should be able to nix a name regardless of how much he wants it. Throwing a temper tantrum doesnt mean she should give in.

    How about HE listens to HER perspective.

    All of this.
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  • I get that he wants to honor family tradition but I am a firm believer that both parents have to agree on and love the name. If LO is a boy he will be carrying on the family name anyway. DH and I decided on a first name we both loved and then I chose the middle name to honor one of my family members because baby will have DH's last name and not mine. He needs to loosen up a bit and try to come up with a compromise ... using his FN as a MN is a good start. 
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  • I am not a fan of this tradition in the slightest.  I agree with previous posters that it is a narcissistic trend - he already has your DH's last name, and now he needs his first name as well?  No.

    My personal feelings aside, the OP doesn't like the name.  If she had posted saying that her DH wanted to name their DS Jayden or Rocket or whatever other atrocious name, the advice offered in this thread would be a LOT different.  But because the name is after DH, she's supposed to bend to his will?

    OP - if you don't like the name, then stand firm.  You have to like the name of your child, period.

    Good luck! 


    DS: June 2012
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  • imagesunshine0210:

    Thank you for the suggestions. I know it's confusing. I thought we both agreed on Dylan Stephen (after my father), but then he changed his mind, which is fine, but all of a sudden it doesn't seem to matter to him that I don't want a Joseph III.  He said it's the only name he likes that means something to him and he doesn't know why he should have to pick a name that means nothing to him.  I just don't really know what we are going to do if it's a boy. 
    Do you think he's getting pressure from his parents to 'carry on the tradition' and that's why he's done this about face?  I'd ask him.  And if that is the case, I'd be asking  him why his parents feelings and opinions matter more than yours - the mother of the child.

    Keep talking to him. I'm w/ those who say that his stance isn't fair and what you wrote here - it's quite immature too.  You're the mom.  You get a say too.

    Honestly, I find junior's, etc self-serving also.  It's one thing to name a child after a family member in their honor (like you wanted to do for your father), it's another to think that you yourself are OH SO IMPORTANT that YOUR name must be carried on.

    And cripes- the fact that you want to honor your FATHER and he's acting like this?  Your DH isn't impressing me at all.

    No need to be harsh.  We are discussing it and I appreciate the suggestions on how to approach the subject.  Both of our fathers passed away so we both have feelings about our father's names.  My DH doesn't need to impress you.

    Uh, she was not harsh at all.  It's rude to call someone harsh when she took the time to type out a thoughtful response.  To be honest, your DH sounds a bit ridiculous if he wants to give his full name to your baby and is ignoring your feelings in all of this.  He's already passing on his last name; if you do not like the idea of using his FN an MN as well he should move on or go with the original name you had decided.

    Married to my best friend 6/5/10
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  • Your DH doesn't get to be adamant- he gets to have an equal say. In fact the edge should really go to you, since you're the one who has to carry and give birth to the baby. If I were you, I'd tell him that as soon as he can create life and give birth without your involvement, he can decide on a name without your input. Don't give in to his tantrum.

    Also, no one here was harsh. Instead of lashing out at innocent people, perhaps you should lash out at the man causing you stress with his unreasonable demands.

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  •  I think it should be a name you both love.   In the event you come around to the Joseph idea, you could pick a middle name so that you could JR, JT as a nickname so that it's completely different than Joey, Joe, big Joe etc.
    Me: 35/Hubs: 35 - just moved to Minneapolis from Chicago. TTC for 18 months and expecting baby #1 April 18, 2012! Needed IVF after a few failed rounds of IUI and it worked!
  • This is a non-negotiable for me. No children will be names after me or DH. I think it is the ultimate in narcissism.
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  • imagesunshine0210:
    Thank you for the suggestions. I know it's confusing. I thought we both agreed on Dylan Stephen (after my father), but then he changed his mind, which is fine, but all of a sudden it doesn't seem to matter to him that I don't want a Joseph III.  He said it's the only name he likes that means something to him and he doesn't know why he should have to pick a name that means nothing to him.  I just don't really know what we are going to do if it's a boy. 

    If he suddenly changed his mind and is now insisting on continuing the family tradition, it makes me think someone in his family has been in his ear about it.

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  • He's a junior, right? When did his father pass? Did he ever experience all the downsides of having an entirely shared name? 

    My DH is a II, yep, FIL went right on to assume there would be a III and didn't even junior him.  Even when we lived 5,000 miles away from him there were issues with accounts getting mixed up, DMV only having one file etc.  Their birthdays are not close, social security number (which you wouldn't have a way of knowing ahead of time) or phone number.  And these places usually use DOB or SSN as an indicator of identity and yet there have still been errors.  Mail gets mixed up.  Debt collectors calling etc.  It's even affected DH's credit.

    I would complain about the comments stating that it's narcissist to name child after himself when you clearly explain it's mostly after LO's grandfather and the fact that there is a family tradition, but your post title does make it sound like it's all about your DH.

    Honestly, I think the issue of wanting to honor your father and he wanting to honor his father are equal.  You both get one name.  Decide the order and if you want Little Joey or Little Stephen.  Deciding who and how to honor is not so different than most people experience in the naming process.  But for DH to be so resistant to anything other than a first and middle name concept is too much.  And honestly, it might have been narcissist of FIL to do that to your DH, after all, your MIL might have had a name of her own she liked.

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