June 2011 Moms

This makes me sick


Can't make it clicky cause I'm on my phone. Someone posted this on FB, and I honest to god almost had tears in my eyes.

To this 3 and a half year old, this isn't just a sign, this IS HIS NAME. Ugh. I would rip my kid out of that school district and sue the hell out of them

Re: This makes me sick

  • That didn't work. I couldn't find the exact article but here is another one.
    ~ Cassie ~

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  • So sad that a school would make a child change their name because the sign of it is a violation of "weapons in school", however it does sound like the school board officials have relented the case and are not requiring him (or any other child to be in this situation) to change their SL name.

    And I am by no way saying the school board should be excused for even bringing it up in the first place, but at least they're relented. 

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  • This is a perfect example of how higher ups/idiots are so stuck in a box. I mean really people think outside the box. This is the poor childs name, he is 3 years old. Do you really think at 3, signing his name is going to be a problem? Get busy working on the real issues and leave this poor baby alone! Go make sure that their are no more Columbine's or Virginia Tech's or Dark Night issues that "slip" through the cracks.

    This pisses me off!

    Our World!!


    Blaine Emerson                  Bailey Rae

    3-31-14                               6-10-11

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  • MrsIMrsI member

    So should the ASL sign for H be changed??? I am assuming that is what he used since most people sign a name with the first letter and then a "symbol" of the person so to say.  (For example my friend Jennifer's name was signed with a 'j' side swiped across her forehead because she had side bangs.)  So they must have thought the H looked too much like a gun, which is kinda does, but only when a child holds it up and uses it as a gun, not when they are using it as a letter!

    Ignorance at its finest!

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  • We were discussing this at work this am. I was soooooo angry when I read this. I mean really, it's his name for crying out loud. It's not like he's playing and pretending he has a gun. This country is seriously crazy.



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