So I know I'm brand new, but I thought it might be fun to share about our adopted or hoping-to-adopt child(ren's) rooms, whether it be nursery or kids room. I thought it could work for those who either already have a room in place, or for those earlier in the process (like me) who are dreaming up and working on a room to prepare.
1. Is your child's room a nursery or kids room? Does it have a color scheme or a theme like animals or sports?
2. Where did you get most of your ideas and items for your kids rooms? Did you do any DIY crafts?
3. Is there anything special, unique, or sentimental in your child's room tailored to them or their adoption story?
4. Share a PIP of either your child's existing room/something in it or inspiration ideas of rooms or items you're planning on getting!
Re: GTKY: Your child's room!
1. Is your child's room a nursery or kids room? Does it have a color scheme or a theme like animals or sports?
We did our best to be gender neutral. It was hard with a 0-5/6ish range and gender neutral.
2. Where did you get most of your ideas and items for your kids rooms? Did you do any DIY crafts?
PInterest..aka online crack. The reading nook I stole from there.
See Pics below
1. Is your child's room a nursery or kids room? Does it have a color scheme or a theme like animals or sports?
We're just getting everything started, so no room decorating done yet. But since we're adopting in the 0-6 range and don't know a gender yet, I'm going to try to make the decor flexible for the ages and gender. We're doing a woodland animals/forest themed room!
2. Where did you get most of your ideas and items for your kids rooms? Did you do any DIY crafts?
Pinterest is where I'm storing all my ideas. I fully intend to do a lot of DIYs. Probably not big ones like making a quilt, but I'll probably make my own curtains, wall art, and other little things like reading nooks and toy areas. I really want to paint some furniture like the dresser and toy box.
3. Is there anything special, unique, or sentimental in your child's room tailored to them or their adoption story?
I've saved a few links online to pretty wall art prints that talk about being adopted or "growing in my heart instead of under it," etc. And I'm a HUGE monogram fan, so I'm sure his/her name or initials will be all over the room.
4. Share a PIP of either your child's existing room/something in it or inspiration ideas of rooms or items you're planning on getting!
I'll post some of my inspiration ideas here:

and finally,
TTC since Aug 2011. BFP #1 on 10/28/2011 EDD of 07/02/2012 Natural MC on 11/22/2012 BFP #2 on 10/28/2012 EDD of 7/13/13 Judah Ari born on 7/11/13.
I love my rainbow baby!
Our room has blue walls previous owners had a little boy; so I am decorating in blue, green yellow. I ordered a print from etsy that says "love makes a family", a blue dog print props to south Louisiana! a large map decal on one wall with bright colors. The comforter is bright yellow geometric, lots of green accents do far.
2. Where did you get most of your ideas and items for your kids rooms? Did you do any DIY crafts?
I just kind of find things I like decorating is definitely a hobby of mine. It's something I really enjoy. Not really DIY, but would consider myself creative.
3. Is there anything special, unique, or sentimental in your child's room tailored to them or their adoption story? For now the love makes a family print I found some of my childhood items books, stuffed animals that are unisex.
4. Share a PIP of either your child's existing room/something in it or inspiration ideas of rooms or items you're planning on getting!
I don't have a pic yet; just started the room!
Sorry for all the punctuation errors, posting from phone!!
1. Is your child's room a nursery or kids room? Does it have a color scheme or a theme like animals or sports? It will be a kids room for both our DS and our future adopted child. The color scheme is bright red and the current theme is Winnie the Pooh, we plan to switch it to Cars next year. If we were to adopt a girl I'd probably paint the room more neutrally and try to find a more gender-neutral theme.
2. Where did you get most of your ideas and items for your kids rooms? Did you do any DIY crafts? I am very not crafty, although I love pinterest. I haven't used any ideas yet though!
3. Is there anything special, unique, or sentimental in your child's room tailored to them or their adoption story? Not yet, but hopefully some day.
4. Share a PIP of either your child's existing room/something in it or inspiration ideas of rooms or items you're planning on getting! Here are some pics of the Winnie the Pooh room prior to my DS arriving:
And we're going to be clearing out the changing table, glider, replacing with a bed or crib and switch to a more "big kid" theme. : )
This is fun! I wish I knew how to post PIPs.
1. Is your child's room a nursery or kids room? Does it have a color scheme or a theme like animals or sports?
We have both. DS's room is kind of science themed. The walls are a light blue. His quilt is the Land of Nod's "All Systems Go," solar system themed bedding. There is an Earth mural on the left wall that one of my friends who teaches art at UNM painted for us, and some world map bunting over his bed. There are build in alcoves in both children's rooms and his is painted with magnetic and chalk board paint, which I highly recommend! Much easier to clean than crayon!
I just remodeled the guest room into a nursery during the summer. The walls are a very pale aqua, and the crib and twin bed are matching yellow, green and lavender multi dots, via Pottery Barn Kids. I wish I could PIP!!
2. Where did you get most of your ideas and items for your kids rooms? Did you do any DIY crafts?
Pinterest, PB Kids and Land of Nod magazines. I am not a great decorator, so I copy, copy, copy!
LO and I also made this together for the nursery, and we had so much fun doing it! The leaves are his little finger prints!
3. Is there anything special, unique, or sentimental in your child's room tailored to them or their adoption story?
I have sentimental things from both my and DH's childhood in both rooms. The bed in DS's room was mine as a child. In the nursery I have my grandmother's antique rocker that she rocked my mom in, and that my mom rocked me in as a baby.
As far as the adoption aspect of it, not yet, bc we aren't matched, so there isn't much we can add, but I am planning to when our miracle arrives!!
4. Share a PIP of either your child's existing room/something in it or inspiration ideas of rooms or items you're planning on getting!
I don't know how :-(
1. Is your child's room a nursery or kids room? Does it have a color scheme or a theme like animals or sports? A little in-between. More like a kid's room but with the sweetness of a nursery. I am a theme grouch! :-P Not big on literal themes. Don't mind if other people do it but it is just not for me! If there is any theme going on it is "eclectic."
2. Where did you get most of your ideas and items for your kids rooms? Did you do any DIY crafts?
Most of the items are re-purposed or have a special meaning. IE: a rocking chair that my dad bought me when I was a baby. The quilt on his bed is one my sister made me when I went off to college. A little Russian nesting doll set that a friend brought me back from her trip to Moscow a number of years go. No DIY crafts, although we bought the dresser second hand with the intention of painting it. Now I kind of like so I'm not sure if we ever will!
3. Is there anything special, unique, or sentimental in your child's room tailored to them or their adoption story?
We bought a map of Russia by Abraham Ortelius (sp?) who was the author of the first modern atlas. It is framed above his bed.
4. Share a PIP of either your child's existing room/something in it or inspiration ideas of rooms or items you're planning on getting!
There are more pics in my blog on this post.
Great GTKY!
TTC September 2010 thru October 2011
SA February 2011: Normal
RE App. October 2011 - Recc. Clomid and IUI
Taking a break from TTC to pursue adoption
Met our 2 year old son in Russia July 2012!
Court trip October 2012
Home November 24 2012!
Back to RE Summer 2013. TTC journey continues:
Dx DOR, endometriosis, low sperm count
Clomid + IUI#1, #2 = BFN / IUI #3 = ???
Laparoscopy scheduled December 2013
Love this. Such a peaceful color scheme and what kid wouldn't LOVE that reading nook? May have to rig one up for myself! ;-)
TTC September 2010 thru October 2011
SA February 2011: Normal
RE App. October 2011 - Recc. Clomid and IUI
Taking a break from TTC to pursue adoption
Met our 2 year old son in Russia July 2012!
Court trip October 2012
Home November 24 2012!
Back to RE Summer 2013. TTC journey continues:
Dx DOR, endometriosis, low sperm count
Clomid + IUI#1, #2 = BFN / IUI #3 = ???
Laparoscopy scheduled December 2013
1. Is your child's room a nursery or kids room? Does it have a color scheme or a theme like animals or sports?
Wellll, E's in the nursery right now, which is basically a crib in our library/sewing room. Our other bedroom is the kid's room, and it's got a jungle theme. It has 9 different paint colors on the walls, so you know I'm in heaven in there!
2. Where did you get most of your ideas and items for your kids rooms? Did you do any DIY crafts?
DH freehanded the jungle (which is quite wild but only goes the first 3-4 feet up the wall) and I filled it in. The trim and window sill are painted one of the blues we used. Other than that, it's not "decorated." So 100% DIY
3. Is there anything special, unique, or sentimental in your child's room tailored to them or their adoption story?
Not yet. Once we travel, we'll probably pick up a couple of things.
4. Share a PIP of either your child's existing room/something in it or inspiration ideas of rooms or items you're planning on getting!
This is the only pic I have of the room. We should all take a moment to revel in how chubby he was before he started walking - there's no fat on my baby anymore!
Application approved Dec '11
Mar '12: Homestudy interrupted by change in Uganda requirements - where do we go from here?
After searching and searching, back with Uganda but with our homestudy agency's program.
Homestudy complete July 19
USCIS I-600A submitted July 20. Biometrics appointments arrived Aug 17; fingerprinted Aug 21; 171H received Sept 25th. On the wait list Oct 1st: #18. By Jan 25th, we're #13!
Come home, baby A!
Application approved Dec '11
Mar '12: Homestudy interrupted by change in Uganda requirements - where do we go from here?
After searching and searching, back with Uganda but with our homestudy agency's program.
Homestudy complete July 19
USCIS I-600A submitted July 20. Biometrics appointments arrived Aug 17; fingerprinted Aug 21; 171H received Sept 25th. On the wait list Oct 1st: #18. By Jan 25th, we're #13!
Come home, baby A!
Our nursery is ready for our baby whenever he or she decides to find us!
It's gender neutral... three walls are a sage green color and the fourth is a chocolate brown. My husband really wanted a monkey theme, so I searched until I found a bedding set that was monkeys but not too boy-ish looking. The room has lots of brown, green, and yellow.
1. Is your child's room a nursery or kids room? Does it have a color scheme or a theme like animals or sports?
Right now it's kind of..random. We're in the middle of remodeling it. The remodel will be a cross between nursery/kids/feminine chic room (haha for a 1.5 year old!)
2. Where did you get most of your ideas and items for your kids rooms? Did you do any DIY crafts?
My head, and pinterest, and Aden and Anais. Nothing about her room will be Babies R Us, Buy Buy Baby, or anything of that nature. I am making her ruffle curtains (they're about 3/4 of the way done), and I made her ruffle lamp shade:
And her bed skirt will be made out of this fabric, as well as the curtains for her fort/reading tent/whatever you want to call it between the crib and wall:
I will also be using Aden and Anais bedding/blankets through out including the "For the Birds" Swaddles and Medalian Dream blanket.
3. Is there anything special, unique, or sentimental in your child's room tailored to them or their adoption story?
Well, the entire room is designed FOR her. With the exception of a chandelier. In AZ, no one trades a top notch awesome ceiling fan for a chandelier.
However, I had this poem made into wall work. I found it from a fellow Bumpie's Blog, and love it. I shared it with her BM last time I saw her, and she loved it too.
It will be framed and matted and a focal point in the room.
4. Share a PIP of either your child's existing room/something in it or inspiration ideas of rooms or items you're planning on getting!
I'll share photo's when I'm done. Basically, we found DD so quickly that we opted not to do her room as HER room. Our house was the model in the sub-division, so it had a nice paint scheme and I found bedding to match the room- but I hated it and it wasn't DD. So thus why we're starting over
All my answers are going to be 2-parters. We moved when DD was 18 months and she got more of a "real" room when we moved.
1. Her first room was the sitting room off our master. It was the same color as our master, and had no theme other than, "Holy crap we need a place for the baby." She transitioned to a room across the hall from us, but it was always kind of transient looking. Now that we've moved, her room is a pale pink with pandas galore and curtains in a bamboo print. She also has a playroom that's pale gray with a Snoopy theme
2. Etsy, man. I kept some people in business
I want to DIY a Snoopy picture on her playroom door, but other than that I let other people with talent do the work 
3. Her playroom has a framed picture of her BM about her age. When we took DD home, her BGM gave us copies of pictures of BM from about 18 months to a few months before she had DD. My plan is to update the frame with whatever picture is closest to DD's age so we can see the resemblance. I also have a friend who paints personalized name plaques, and started a shop on Etsy. So I asked her to do one for DD. It hangs on her playroom door.
4. This is the painting I want to do on her door. Thank you, Pinterest