
Living Social (NPR)

Because we didn't talk about Living Social enough yesterday.

I purchased two massage vouchers almost a year ago from Living Social.  My husband attempted to schedule a massage when we first got the vouchers but wasn't able to find a time that worked with his schedule.

I honestly forgot about the vouchers until July.  They expire sometime in October.  I have left three voicemail messages in the past month and also sent an email to the massage place with no response. 

I emailed Living Social and basically they suggested that I just keep trying to contact the place and they assured me the place was not closed.

At this point, I am not even comfortable using their services, considering that I first left a message one month ago without a return call to date.

I requested a refund which Living Social refused.  I requested a credit which Living Social refused.  What should my next step be?  WWPD?

Re: Living Social (NPR)

  • So the massage place doesn't answer their phone? Have you only called 3x in the past month, or are those just the times you left messages? I'd probably go on a campaign of calling (and leaving messages) every couple hours for a couple days - and sending multiple emails for a couple of days. If possible, cc: Living Social's customer service email address on the emails.

    Then I would contact customer service at Living Social and ask for their advice on how to handle it. If they blow you off, I'd request to speak to a supervisor. Do they have a phone number for customer service, or only email/internet contact info? Phone interaction is usually better for this stuff.

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  • Basically, the essence of my advice is that the squeaky wheel gets the grease. You want to make sure these people know that you aren't going away and their lives will be easier if they just respond.
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  • When you leave voicemails, are you indicating you want to use the Living Social voucher? I wouldn't. Tell them you just want to schedule a message. Once it's scheduled, mention you'll be using the voucher.
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  • Also, is this an establishment or just a massage therapist? If it is an establishment, I'd drop in to schedule it. They can't ignore you if you're in their face.

    Of course, if you really just don't want to deal with them anymore, that's another matter.

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  • I had the same issue with a carpet cleaner. I complained to LS and asked if they had a recommendation on how I should book an appointment, because no one answers the phone. They said they would have the vendor contact me. A couple of weeks later they credited me for the voucher.
  • Thanks for the replies.  After emailing a few different people at Living Social I finally got an answer.  It appears that the office closed because they are moving.  They apparently aren't able to access their voicemail system to change the message and they didn't put the info on their website either.

    Because they plan to reopen Living Social doesn't consider the place to be out of business.  So they are offering to extend the voucher past the expiration date so that I can use it when the place reopens.  I guess that is better than nothing.

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