Well it appears that I am out for this month..not surprised but very disappointed. I have been having some cramping (mild) for a few days and then last night it was REALLY bad. Worst I have ever had. It even woke me up at 3:30 am and I just laid in bed hoping I was not going to see FP when I got up. The spotting has started so I guess the HSG was not my miracle procedure.
For those of you that had it done, did you have really had cramps the 1st cycle? Please tell me it was JUST the 1st cycle because this is terrible!
Re: Worst cramps I have ever had...HSG related?
I just looked back at my cycle when I had the HSG and I did mark that I had cramps, which I only do when they're worse than gas cramps.
So it *could* be that? Maybe it's also just a month of cramps for you that is unrelated to anything specific? I don't know...
But ((hugs)). CD1 sucks anyhow; it sucks worse when cramps are suckier than normal.
<br /> My Ovulation Chart</a>
I rarely have cramps at all..maybe once every 3 or 4 cycles and it is always just on my left side. These are super strong and my entire abdominal area. So far the spotting is minimal and seems kind of "dry" when usually it is very watery. It's so pathetic that I know that. Scrutinizing every detail hoping it means something. Sigh...
I think I might start temping again. UGH.
<br /> My Ovulation Chart</a>
Yeah I know and believe me I am looking for ANY reason to keep the hope alive..but I think it will be AF by the end of the day.
Yeah, I know that feeling. I just hope that if I say/write it enough, it will make it so.
So I'll write it again for you: Minimal spotting is not AF. Minimal spotting is not AF. Minimal spotting is not AF. Minimal spotting is not AF. Minimal spotting is not AF. Minimal spotting is not AF. Minimal spotting is not AF. Minimal spotting is not AF. Minimal spotting is not AF. Minimal spotting is not AF. Minimal spotting is not AF. Minimal spotting is not AF. Minimal spotting is not AF. Minimal spotting is not AF. Minimal spotting is not AF. Minimal spotting is not AF. Minimal spotting is not AF. Minimal spotting is not AF. Minimal spotting is not AF. Minimal spotting is not AF.
<br /> My Ovulation Chart</a>
This is usually the time when I start moving past the minimal spotting and instead of accepting it I just tell myself, don't give up there still might be one in there--you know because it must have been twins.
Denial is my middle name on CD1..
It's nice to know I am not alone! I hate that my mind goes there but it does!
GrumpyMegaB!tch is my middle name on CD1...
<br /> My Ovulation Chart</a>