Hello ladies.. just wondering if any of you used Progesterone for both pregnancies?
With DS I got a + at 11dpo but started spotting later that day.. testing revealed very low progesterone at a 9. I was put on suppositories immediately (so before AF was even due) and my levels went up and everything was fine after that.
DH & I have been TTC #2 since June/July and its just occurring to me now that maybe I should be on Progesterone in the 2WW. I am going to call either my old RE or my OB but was wondering if perhaps anyone else was in the same situation? Any side effects with being on P every 2WW?
BFP 5/21/10, Missed m/c 7/5/10 at 11w3d (baby measured 7wks), D&C 7/7/10
Aug/Sept 2010 - CD3&10 b/w & u/s, genetic testing, SA, HSG, & Lap/Hyst to remove septum
12/09/10 BFP -- 7/05/11 DS born at 33w5d. Came home after 23d in NICU at 37w0d
June 2012 - TTC #2! -- 10/05/12 BFP -- 5/23/13 DS2 born at 37w1d! Yay full term!
Surprise BFP 6/25/14 LO#3 due Feb2015!
Re: Anyone use Progesterone?
BFP 5/21/10, Missed m/c 7/5/10 at 11w3d (baby measured 7wks), D&C 7/7/10
Aug/Sept 2010 - CD3&10 b/w & u/s, genetic testing, SA, HSG, & Lap/Hyst to remove septum
12/09/10 BFP -- 7/05/11 DS born at 33w5d. Came home after 23d in NICU at 37w0d
June 2012 - TTC #2! -- 10/05/12 BFP -- 5/23/13 DS2 born at 37w1d! Yay full term!
Surprise BFP 6/25/14 LO#3 due Feb2015!
I had 2 m/c's before I got pregnant with DS so my dr put me on progesterone suppositories as soon as I got a +HPT. I used them until around 14weeks. I did the same when I got pregnant with my daughter.
With our first, we were seeing an RE, so I was on progesterone suppositories in the 2WW and throughout the first 12 weeks.
With this LO, we weren't seeing an RE and were trying on our own, so I did not start progesterone until I called my OB about the BFP, which was about 12dpo. Before prescribing the progesterone, the OB wanted me to come in for a blood draw to see if I really needed it, but since I was away on vacation at the time, he prescribed it anyway to be safe. The OB put me on oral progesterone, and I stopped taking it around 10 weeks.